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Here's a short one.


"I-Uh.. Nevermind.." Kuroo rubs the back of his head and scurries off, leaving the girl in confusion, Kiyoko just gave her a short glance before smiling to herself and continuing on what she was doing.

Yamaguchi-who was sitting on the floor on Yachi's other side - looked up to her and then to Kuroo curiously, a frown on display.

And from across them, a few members of Nekoma- who watched the whole thing since they saw Kuroo walk towards Yachi- had their own thoughts on the matter, but of course, they shrugged it off.

There was this silent agreement between the other members from Nekoma to leave Kuroo's business to himself, despite their curiosity, they respected Kuroo and didn't want ti dwell on much in his business.

The Karasuno team also have their own quiet understanding, especially from what happened to Yachi last night and the gossip that Tanaka had nonchalantly shared with his team mates.

But despite all the hunches and theories that ran around, volleyball was still the most important thing on top of everyone's head.

Practice went on as normal and the hunches and theories were temporarily set aside and Yachi continued to serve the team with Kiyoko. The blonde sat on the sidelines, a first aid kit secured on her lap while Kiyoko was taking down notes next to her. The other boys from Karasuno who weren't playing yet were idly chatting on the floor on Yachi's right while stretching.

Karasuno served another penalty after losing to Fukurodani.

Yachi was praying to herself most of the time, chanting encouragements in her head that she would get over this while trying to not let herself overthink to death.

Yachi was visibly troubled and Yamaguchi could sense it but like the others-he didn't want to pry. He thinks that maybe Yachi would felt more uncomfortable if he were to approach her with questions, like what happened last night with Sugawara.  

But he has other concerns.

Yamaguchi looks over to Tsukishima-who was complaining next to Tanaka and Nishinoya-  an internal sigh and a solemn look in his eyes, he turns away and continues on what he was doing.

Meanwhile, Kuroo slumped on the floor next to Kenma, the taller boy rubs his face in frustration. He has foreign feelings swarming inside of him and he has trouble trying to grasp anything.

"How'd it go?" Kenma asks.
"Like shit," Kuroo murmurs. "I don't even know what to do, Kenma I'm confused."
"You obviously are."
"What do I do?"
"What should I do?"

Kenma turns to him, "Figure it out yourself."

"Well,shit." Kuroo laughs to himself, he thinks of the predicament that he is in and realizes how ridiculous it was. But he was still struggling, he was unsure whether or not he was interested in Yachi and it fucked him up, because seriously, why did he bother so much and invested so much time on the problem if he was not interested? It was a problem that nagged him and he wanted it gone, resolved, so he could finally live in peace.

"You need help, Maybe we could ask Akaashi?"

He scoffs at that.

"Let's try and not drag other into this,okay? And why Akaashi of all people?"

"You need help, you need someone who can give you fresh advice, because your science facts cannot help you. Knowing the function of the rheostat won't help you get a girlfriend."

Kuroo glares at Kenma,but he does have a point.

"But why Akaashi? Can't we figure this out ourselves?"

"You have less than a day, can you figure it out?"

Kuroo sighs in defeat.


"Eh?" Akaashi's expression lightens up and his usual look of disinterest fades.
The three boys were hiding behind the gym during the water break, Kuroo pulled Akaashi with Kenma following. Kuroo had explained the situation to Akaashi earlier, the boy was intently listening until Kuroo asks him for advice.

"You are asking me ?" 
"Well yeah, You seem reliable enough for this." Kuroo says before giving Kenma a look.

Akaashi pauses for a moment before laughing, Kuroo immediately tries to shush the boy who was hunched over,laughing while Kenma looks at him bewildered.

Akaashi raises a hand as his other one was over his mouth,trying to muffle.

"Kuroo-san," he starts, trying to clear his throat. " Why are you asking me for love advice?"

"Don't call it that, it's not exactly love advice."

"But it is, I'm not that experienced in this area,Kuroo-san but if you like Yachi-san beyond the superficial stuff, then maybe, you really do like her in a special way." Akaashi shrugs, his usual demeanor returns. "All I'm saying is, ask yourself, what do you like about Yachi-san? because if it's all superficial then I suggest that you don't pursue it." 

Suddenly, A coach calls the boys, Akaashi pats kuroo's shoulder before jogging away.

Kenma and Kuroo share a look.


" Pftt, Well that was pointless" Kuroo groans

"Was it?"  Kenma smirks.


Note: hey guys! Sorry If this sucks hahahah.

Anyway, I just want to thank everyone for the  votes and comments, it warms my heart :)

Stay safe, cuties💛

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