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*:it's short but Imma update soon*


Yachi was hopelessly staring at the sight in front of her.

She totally jinxed herself or maybe, the universe was conspiring against her.

It was during lunch time, the coaches prepared a barbecue since someone sponsored a lot of meat for the training camp. The weather was starting to get better and tolerable so staying outside was fine for everyone.

"I know you keep on claiming to being just friends, but your feelings say otherwise." Kiyoko tells her. The shorter girl looked up at her senpai with a sad face then back to Kuroo who were talking to Bokuto and the Fukurodani managers. But it was mostly him teasing the girls and making flashing them his smiles.

"I know that, Kiyoko-san. But-"

"No buts Yachi. Just admit it that you like him, You'll just hurt yourself even more if you keep on denying it. Thinking that you are just friends while making sad eyes at Kuroo talking to those girls definitely says a lot."

"But i really do just see him as a friend."

"Not with that jealous look you're not." Kiyoko finally says.

"Just eat, get some more food. Maybe we'll find a way for you to forget about boys for the time being." Kiyoko gently pats her shoulder while giving her a soft smile. Though Kiyoko could deliver some damaging remarks that could shut you up and hit you at the right place, she could still give you a smile after she does her damage.

Yachi sighs and nods. Casting a final glance at Kuroo before going to get some more food.

"Tsk, you look pathetic." Tsukishima suddenly says from beside her. Yachi looks at him in horror.


"Wipe that sad look off your face, you look really pathetic. If you badly like him that much go say something. Don't sulk." The taller boy tells her as he helped himself to some watermelon.

Yachi's jaw had dropped.

"What do you mean? I-I don't know what you are talking about." Yachi tells him while her hands were wildly gesturing. Tsukishima just sighs and looked at her with a straight face.

"They might be dumb enough to not notice how you look at Kuroo-san, but I'm different. I could see it and I notice how you whisper back and forth with Kiyoko-san while looking at the guy. Heck! I even heard you. You obviously like him. And don't get me started with the talking and that time both of you walked into the cafeteria. Yamaguchi also saw you." Tsukishima explains. He looks frustrated. Yachi just watched him with all the colors drained from her face.

Tsukishima sighs again, "Just tell him. It's an eyesore watching you squirm whenever he's around." And with that, Tsukishima leaves her there, flustered and frozen.

First Kiyoko and now, Tsukishima. It might make sense for him to find out since he is observant and thinks critically. He's smart, Yachi knows that, afterall they are classmates. Those two really knows how to hit a nerve.

Yachi suddenly felt that she lost her appetite. She leaves her plate to the stack of dishes nearby and goes for a walk. She wanted to get away for a while, with the thought of what Tsukishima told her, in mind.

She found herself behind a school building far away from where they were eating. Yachi felt overwhelmed. And in that moment she broke down, leaning against the building wall, she cried.

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