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just recently opened Wattpad again haha

Im back! Aaaaand this would most likely suck and I'm really sorry huhu. Just started classes and I wanted to finish this so that maybe I could rewrite it. (heavily considering it, honestly.)


thanks and love you all.


"You look like hell." Yaku snorts with a smirk, crossing his arms and looking at Kuroo with amusement.

"And feel like it too." Kuroo mutters, removing his Nekoma jacket and tying the sleeves around his waist. He takes a seat on the bench and Yaku just watches, frowning a little.

Yaku had spotted him in the hallway, apporached and stopped him from leaving, so Kuroo figured he needed something

"So, got anything to tell me?" Kuroo asks Yaku. The other boy raises a brow.

"I'm sorry, I think what you mean to say is that you have something to tell me." Kuroo blinks, confused.

"Are you playing games with me, Yaku?"

"No, Kuroo-san. Remember the conversation we had the other night?" more like a failed confrontation. "I just want you to be honest with me because I have been noticing stuff between you and the blondie manager-and no, don't try to interrupt me because I swear to God, Kuroo, I WILL hit you- Anyway, I just want to know because I am starting to have wrinkles over this. " Yaku wasn't angry, If anything, he was more annoyed with a hint of disappointment. Kuroo stutters and tries to form a coherent denial because his mind is running around and he didn't want to be confronted by this, especially since he fucked things up with Yachi Hitoka.

Yaku sighs.

"Kuroo, I know you are smart and all but if you are playing with some girl's heart then you seriously need to reassess how this would all go for you. For her. Seeing you run around like that with her is a pain. A pain, Kuroo. This is a freaking training camp, not some bachelor get away or whatever and I know that this is the last day-Thank god- and that you are doing your part as captain but for the love of volleyball, you have to apologize to that girl because I don't think that she's the type to flirt around." Yaku shakes his head, pinched the bridge of his nose before looking up at Kuroo with an expectant expression.

Kuroo was clenching his jaw throughout the whole rant, telling his self not to interrupt or deny the information, but relaxes once the other boy had calmed.

He thinks back to Kenma. Kuroo thought that his bestfriend would be somewhat proud of him owning up to this. Yaku also deserves to have some clarity and leaving what Yaku thinks just for it to float around and give his situation a more negative light - and possibly affect Yachi- was not a thing he would let go around.

Karasuno team was already giving him looks, he doesn't want his team to do so too.

"I'm not playing with her," he starts, frowning a bit. "But I screwed up."

"And?" Yaku urges him to continue.

"And now things are messy and I need to talk to her." Kuroo answers.

There was temporary silence between them until,

Yaku hits him on the shoulder. HARD.

Kuroo yelps and rubs the sore spot.

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