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//*Dedicated to all my beautiful and wonderful readers that had inspired me to further write this fanfic. Thank you and I love you all //*


"This is getting quite disturbing" Kiyoko muttered as her and Yachi stared at the three volleyball boys team goofing around.

Bokuto and Kuroo stood out the most with their obnoxious laughter.

"That's the boy you have a crush on eh?" Kiyoko teased Yachi in a low mutter, smirking at the blonde who just looked so lost and small. Their attention was on the two volleyball captains who were joking around, occasionally taunting Tsukishima.

Yachi did not answer.

"KIYOKO SENPAIIIIIIIII" the two girls turned their heads to the side to see a boy running towards them.

"Nishinoya-san?" Yachi muttered.

Once the boy got to them, he gave a wide smile and said:

"Kiyoko senpai, sensei needs you right now" Nishinoya says. Kiyoko excuses her self then walked away,leaving Yachi with Nishinoya.

"You look so red" Nishinoya bluntly says, pointing at Yachi's face.

Her hands immediately flew up to her face, trying to cover her cheeks.

"It-it's just too hot out here" Yachi lies, looking awag from the curious boy.

Nishinoya's brows scrunched as he looked up at the fairly cloudy sky.

"You don't say" he simply says then innocently smiled at her before running off to the team's direction.

Yachi face-palmed.

Lying was totally not her best suit, that fact made her think of the possibility of Kuroo probably finding out that Yachi likes him when an opportunity presented itself.

She pushed the thought away and just went to distract herself by doing something else.

Fukoradani's volleyball team managers were busy so she couldn't really socialise with them as of the moment, so she resorted to approaching Takeda sensei to offer help.

"There's not really much to do" The teacher says, pondering.

"Kiyoko is already doing the task and probably finished it now, maybe take a break, enjoy and socialise" He tells her, Yachi is internally in dismay but decided that walking around wouldn't be so bad.

She thanked Takeda sensei the went her own way.

Walking up the slope, she came to see Asahi, Tanaka, and Nishinoya talking together. Tanak saw Yachi and greeted her, Asahi gave a small wave.

Once Noya's eyes met Yachi, He gave her a devilish grin. Yachi's eyes widened

"Ey Asahi, Tanaka" Noya started. The two boys turned their attention to him.

"Yachi was so red ear-" Before Noya could go further, Yachi stopped him with a yell, The other two jumped in surprise.

"What's the matter, Yachi-chan?" Asahi asked, slightly worried.

"Yachi might have a crush on someone" Noya blurted,
Yachi's fear came to life, leaving her to sputter excuses to save her from the embarrassment.

Which, we all know, was far from it.  The situation was just not meant to die down just yet.

Tanaka became interested and went up to Yachi.

"Really now? Do we know who it is" He was persistent, asking Yachi questions that made her uneasy. Yachi looked at Asahi helplessy, seeming that he was the only rational mind between the three boys present.

Asahi went to stop Tanaka.

"We shouldn't pry on Yachi's privacy, Tanaka-kun" Asahi told him. Tanaka stopped then eventually stepped back.

Yachi sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry" Tanak told her, his head hung low.

Yachi frantically waved her hands.

"No! It's all okay.. We're good now"

"Im really sorry, I'm just curious on who caught our cute manager's heart!" Tanaka dramatically says, Yachi just stood there, unsure on how to respond.

"Yeah! Is it Hinata? Does he go to Karasuno?" Nishinoya asks.

By the looks of it, Yachi can't lie her way out of this one, she just does not know how to do it or what to exactly say and these people can certainly see through her denial.

She was guilty.

" Just forget about it" she decided to say with a sigh.

Tanaka patted her head.

"Unrequited love is such a pain ey?"

Yachi smiled a bit at that.

" It will be okay, i am used to this" Yachi said.

The boys look at her with a sad look. Yachi just offred a reassuring smile.

"Well, don't worry about it.. Wait.. I have an idea!" Tanaka gleefully says.

Yachi and the others looked at him questioningly.

"How 'bout this? I noticed one of the cat boys looking at you in a curious way, if I'm right, they might have a crush on you, how about we send you and the guy to a date" The smug look on Tanaka' s face was questionable, Noya walked up to him.

"That doesn't sound like a good plan Tanaka" Noya scratches his head.

Yachi was nodding, he didn't really wanted to go out on dates, especially if it's with someone she barely knows.

"I agree with Nishinoya" Asahi says.

"Pft.. Nonsense! Kuroo-kun is a nice guy despite all his weird antics"

Yachi paled and her heart skipped a beat before it went nyoom and sped up, beating against her chest.

"Excuse me what?" Asahi asked in disbelief.

"Did i just hear you correctly? Kuroo? Like, Nekoma's Volleyball boys club captain?" Noya asked, mouth ajar.

"Yeah!" Tanaka gladly nodded. " He seemed kinda weird whenever Yachi was around, i thought he just felt uneasy around girls or something, but he kinda changes demeanor only when Yachi is around" Tanaka explained.

"Aren't you just assuming things? He's probably being just gentle around Yachi or something because she's nervous around them. He's just being nice or soft. " Noya tried to argue.

Tanaka shook his head.

"Who said anything about Kuroo being soft?" Tanaka scoffed, "He's acting like a total smooth gentleman by the looks of it" Tanaka says.

"How sure are you that he likes her? Where's your proof besides your assumption?" Noya says.

Yachi was stuck to her place, with a distant look, Asahi notices this and decides to wave a hand in front of her face.

"Guys, i think you broke Yachi" Asahi told them, the two debating boys turned to their direction.

Yachi was in pure disbelief by what she heard. She was not sure how to take it in.. It might be a bluff, it might be not. But either way, this left quite the impression on Yachi. She was internally screaming.

"See my point, Tanaka? THIS is why they shouldn't be pitched together for a date, Yachi will return to us white as a sheet! And she's already pale enough as it is!"

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