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"C-Can I ask for your number or email?"

".. Ehhh??"

".... Maybe we could exchange information?"

The words played in her mind for a second time.

Yachi wanted to faint right then and there.

Kuroo was shyly fumbling with his Nekoma Jacket sleeves while averting his gaze from her.

Could it be?

It couldn't...

Yachi didn't want to assume but she hoped, deeply hoped but what if he's just asking it just so he could contact her for favors?

'Why would Kuroo even ask me for favors? Must be volleyball related? If so, why didn't he ask Kiyoko-san.'

She wasn't sure what to think and that made her even more anxious.

She takes a breath in.

"F-for what, Kuroo-san? If I may ask,is.. Is it for volleyball related things?" She hesitantly asked, suddenly finding herself shaking and hands feeling sweaty.

Kuroo suddenly blinks and looks at her.

"W-well, yes but no.. It's..." the boy suddenly rambles off and Yachi stared.

'Kuroo-san is stuttering? '

The boy suddenly groans and runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I was actually asking you because I... Well... I'm interested in Kiyoko-san" He says then lets out a breath.


Yachi blinks and nods.

'Maybe that's why he's so nice to me, he wants to get closer to her, he's actually interested in Kiyoko-san, well I mean, who wouldn't? I get it now. '

Yachi's mind was slowly trying to make sense of everything, on why Kuroo suddenly acted so nice and sweet around her.

He wanted to get closer to Kiyoko-san.

She understood it.

And painfully accepts it.

"Oh, of course. " She leans closer as if it was a secret, a small bright smile on display while she was nervously digging into her pocket for her phone.

'Who was I kidding? Of course Kuroo would never be interested in me. '

"I promise I won't tell her, so if you want to ask some questions about her or maybe a date set up, just ask me! I'll help you, I know that you would be kind to Kiyoko-san." she smiles as she held her hand out, asking for Kuroo's phone.

The boy blinks and hands it to her.

She felt a pinch in her heart as they exchanged emails but still smiled, trying not to break then and there.

" You can count on me to help you Kuroo-san." She raises an index finger against her lips. " Anyway, I'm gonna go back now , I remembered that I have to help Kiyoko-san pack." She tells him and waves good bye not even waiting for reply before running down the slope,oblivious to the tears starting to spill from her eyes.


"What the heck did you do, Kuroo-san?" Kenma hisses as he brought Kuroo to a corner, followed by Akaashi-who was dragged with by Kenma.

The taller boy leans against the wall and buries his face in his hands while trying to muffle his scream.

Kenma wanted to face-palm so hard at his best friend's stupidity.

And it just had to be Kiyoko-san.

After the talk, Kuroo immediately went looking for Kenma. Kenma thought that Kuroo had finally accomplished his mission but was shocked to hear what Kuroo did, The older boy told him about how nervous he was and was having second thoughts on telling Yachi what he wanted, only to end up saying something entirely different and untrue.

Kenma had looked at him in disbelief, after talking to Tsukishima, he knows how much Kuroo messed up.

Kenma looks around them and notices the other boys look at their way, he tries to shush Kuroo, Akaashi just stands there, wanting to sympathise with Kuroo but also wanted to laugh at him.

"What the frick were you thinking?" Kenma asks again while shaking the taller boy's shoulder, Kuroo couldn't look up. He was embarrassed on how badly he messed up, he certainly got the blonde's number but in a way he didn't intially thought of.

"Kuroo-san is better off playing volleyball than this." Akaashi comments as he gestured at Kuroo.

The boy slowly sinks to the floor.

He just had to lie,  he was nervous but why would he say such a thing? and he even dragged Kiyoko-san san into the conversation. KIYOKO-SAN! of all the people! She was Yachi's senpai! Her friend!

He wasn't even a bit interested in Kiyoko-san in that way. Never was. So why the hell was that the first thing he came up with?

"What are you going to do now?" Akaashi asks, Kenma gives him a look then turns back to Kuroo.

The captain wasn't moving or talking so thetwo other boys just only watched.

Though Kenma held feelings for Kuroo, he didn't want to be selfish and tell him 'It doesn't matter, let's continue living as if she didn't existed'. He wanted Kuroo to be happy even if it meant letting him date Yachi-san.

But of course, even if Kuroo was usually a smooth talker that could easily swoon the girls, it was different with Yachi.

Kenma pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.

"Come on Kuroo-san, Get up and talk to her, try again. Clear this up. " Akaashi crouches to the boy's level as he tried to convince him

"Nope.. It's fine, I don't think it matters now, she probably doesn't like me." he mutters the last part but Kenma and Akaashi clearly heard it.

Kenma bit his lip before sighing.

"She likes you, I'm sure of it." Kenma says, Akaashi looks up to him and Kuroo raises his head to look at him too.

"I won't explain any further, I have my reliable source so stop whining and get up,talk to her, she's probably heart broken right now, you idiot"

Kuroo's eyes had widened.

"Just go" Kenma gently nudges Kuroo's side with his foot.

And chase after your happiness.



Hey cuties! I'm still alive XD I was supposed to end this story before September but due to heavy procrastination, here we are haha...

Anyway, this was supposed to be the last chapter but I decided to drag it a little bit longer because I didn't know how to end it but I'm almost done so I'm going to upload two chaps for now.

Stay safe! Love lots💛

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