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Jake and his gang entered the classroom while Sophie was finishing to reorganize her anatomy notes.

'Hey Sophie, we need your animal physiology essay. The one for Mrs Rowson, do you remember?.'

Sophie stopped what she was doing, not daring to look at him in the eye. 'What the hell Jake, leave me alone'.

Then, she started shoveling quickly all of her stuff into her backpack.

Jake smirked, satisfied of the reaction he was getting from Sophie. He could smell her increasing anxiety. 'You should know that we were too busy with the pack's training to care about our deadline for tomorrow. Give us your essay. Now!'

Sophie closed her eyes, hoping this was just a nightmare. But jake pressed on:

'You do not want to let down your superiors, right Sophie.'

A roar of laughers erupted from behind Jake.

Sophie grinded her teeth and replied: 'I am sorry but I do not want to be accused of plagiarism and screw up my school conduct. Well, you still have a whole night before the due date. So, as you put so much effort in training your muscles, why not try and develop some of your brain cells too? I am sure your future mate will not mind that'.

A growl escaped Jake's lips and the group of Epsilons went quiet. My wolf instinct of submissive Omega made me whimper and my eyes dropped to the floor, but I resolute myself not to let my school performance be spoilt because of a bunch of lazy pups.

'Listen Sophie, you know better than us that it is your duty to serve your superiors. And basically everybody on the pack is in fact your superior, since you and Lydia are the only Omegas. I will not repeat myself, give me your essay, it is an order.'

My wolf and I knew very well that what Jake said was true. My destiny as a submissive Omega of the Ruby pack was set, more immovable than a stone in a rock. Still the unfairness of the situation made my blood boil. I hope they won't smell my anger and shame. I knew they could, they are wolfs after all. I felt my face flush and my jaw tighten. Though there was nothing I could do. I leaned into my backpack, picked up my laptop and started scrolling through my past assignments. I found the essay Jake was looking for and I was about to copy it into a USB key, when we heard a loud bang.

The door of the classroom slummed open and everybody turned to face whoever just came in. There was standing Skye and she looked pissed off. To me she always looked like that, at least every time I was around. I would not be surprised if she came in to steal one of my essays too. As the only daughter of the Beta's family, she had only her parents and the alpha family to respond to. I was starting to believe that being able to do all the homework in advance and getting top marks, was actually a weakness instead of a skill.

Skye looked at me briefly, then redirected her attention to the group of epsilons. Her tone assertive. 'What are you doing here? School finished 15min ago.' Jake tried to answer but he started stammering instead. I am not sure it was because he was more scared, shy or embarrassed. He certainly emanated those emotions all at once.

Like Jake, I might have though Skye was attractive as well, if it wasn't for her arrogant attitude and dominant heritage. Her slim but muscular built, red long fiery locks and forest-green eyes made her extremely popular amongst both the shifter and human populations.

Surprised and embarrassed by my own trail of thoughts, I shook my head and realized the Epsilon pups were gone. Skye was looking at me with a questioning look. Now it was my turn to stammer. 'So what is it that... that... you..you.. Want?'.

Skye cleared her throat and slowly repeated accentuating every syllable. 'I ne-ed yoouur es-say, what is not clear!?'. Damn, exactly what I had though.

I did not understand how the next generation of pups were going to live to the expectation of the Ruby wolf pack, one of the most powerful pack of Europe. Power was expressed not only by being physically strong, but also by having a strong family-pack bond. The latter was based on a sense of belonging and respect amongst all wolf members. This also permitted to create mind links between wolf shifters that other creatures could not have, which, in an antagonistic situation for instance, could represent a winning advantage.

Although I was lost in my own existential though, I still manage to hand in my essay to Skye. As I started feeling tears forming in my eyes, I quickly turned round and walked to the exit door.

Skye shouted. 'Hey! Wait up'.

Arghs, what now, I cannot even feel defeated and upset in peace now.

'You know what. I don't want your essay anymore. It is not good enough for my likings. I'd better submit my own'.

With that said, Skye turned on her heels and left. I stood there with my jaw dropped and angrier than ever. There was just a though running in my head: b****.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now