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As I entered the main reception where the prom was taking place, every single wolf turned to look at me. Everybody stopped whatever they where doing, including dancing, laughing and chatting. For a whole minute, there was just the music playing and no other sound.

Skye was staring at me too with wide eyes. Gosh, she looked stunning. She was wearing a tight aqua-marine dress and 3 inches heels, which made her even taller than her 5ft 8inch. I was internally drooling. 

I also noticed her mate Andrew, who was casually resting his arm around her waist in a way that made my jaw tighten and eyes squint.

Few moments later, the mockery started, which brought me back to reality.

At first, I was surprised because I had imaging that my pack could accept me for whoever I was and wanted to be. But as I was standing in a room full of wolf shifters, who were supposed to represent my family-pack, and now were deliberately making fun of me, I realised that I was disillusioned.

I knew my only choice was to leave. But before doing that, in a mixed emotional state of anger, upset and disappointment, I went to the stage and picked up the microphone.

I took a big breath and screamed 'I am gay, regardless of whether you accept it or not. You can laugh at me all you want.' And with that, I had enough and run.

Five minute later I was back in the cabin crying my eyes out. Rachel run after me, but I asked her some solo time and so she left. I promised to call her first thing tomorrow.

Later that evening, I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. With a flushed face and bloodshot eyes I told myself out loud 'I need to get out of this place'. I called Leo and told him what happened. I managed to organise to stay at his place until I could move to the medical school dormitories in couple of month time. I packed all I had. This filled a big luggage and a backpack.

Luckily, I had already applied for a full founded bursary at med school, which was accepted under the conditional offer to pass the entry exam within the first twenty places. On the phone they warned my there were about 400 people taking the yearly test. This made me gulp, but I knew I could do it.

I heard a knock, which made me jump. I thought it must be the pups from the prom. Now that it was quite late at night, they must be drunk and looking to bug me at my place too. There was a second, third, fourth loud knock. I ignored them. Finally they stopped at the fifth.

I stayed lying on my bed thinking about how my life was about to take yet another unexpected turn. I was leaving. It was happening and this time it wasn't only for one afternoon but most likely for years, maybe forever. Chills run through my back.

I heard hills clicking through the floor, which stopped just in front of my bedroom door. They awakened me from my dazed state. I looked up and the door opened.

Skye appeared in front of my face. I growled and turned around annoyed.

'What do you want Skye? Was there anything not clear nor embarrassing enough for you to just show up here? Do you still need to add salt to the open wound.'

For a moment she looked pained, almost hurt by my sudden angry words, but her ability to camouflage her emotions was impeccable. I could not smell anything but neutral emotions yet again.

Then Skye admitted 'I was actually worried about you.'

I was not expecting that admission. I flushed and the only souund that came out was 'Oh.' I seemed to only speak in monosyllables when I was with her.

Skye turned her head and looked at my luggage and backpack.

'What is this?'

'A backpack'. I automatically replayed.

Skye rolled her eyes and said 'I figured. What I meant was why is your cabin empty? Where are you going'.

I did not feel to have this conversation, so I simply said 'Ehm, I think I might take a vacation. I believe it is better if the pack and I do not see each other for a while.'

'Where are you going?'. Skye exclaimed, glaring at me.

'That is a secret.'

Skye squinted her eye and slowly enunciated 'Sophie, tell me. now. Where the hell are you going!?'.

Fuck being an Omega and all. Me and my wolf did not stand a chance at that tone.

I exhaled loudly and mumbled 'I am going to stay at Leo's place until I manage to get my bursary for med school, so that I can finally move to the school dormitories.'

I could not look at her in that moment. I might be tempted to stay otherwise. After all, she was still wearing that lovely dress and sexy heels.

'Sophie, you promised me to stay out of trouble, what the hell. I cannot pick you up all the time you decide to become 18 overnight and behave incredibly stupid'

I looked up at her and managed to stare at her forest-green eyes, which held a glassy appearance. 'And I am still promising you that. I will try my best to stay out of trouble. I will not pass-out drunk again, I can assure you that. Anyway, I have a very difficult test to pass, so I will be busy studying. In any case, here nobody will miss me, sure there is Rachel, but we can still keep in touch by phone.' I concluded winking at Skye. 

'Not sure about that...'.

'What did you just say?' I asked Skye again. Did she imply that she will somehow miss me!?

'Nothing, forget about it'. With that, she turned on her heels and left.

It hurt watching her walking away, and to think that I might not be seeing her again made me feel empty deep inside.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now