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My first day at med school. I was euphoric. While I was walking down the corridors in search of my dorm, I thought of my past few months with Leo. I had enjoyed living with him and his flatmates, Jack and Aron. They have been extremely friendly and accommodating. They had asked me to stay and live with them permanently. They would have converted part of their huge living room into a single room. I felt honoured at the thought, but med school was on the other side of town. It would have taken me at least one hour by bus to get there. One hour without traffic. No, thanks.

I entered my dorm and noticed that the desk of my neighbouring bed was busy. A cascade of dark hair was covering the shoulders of my new roommate. As she turned around, a pair of icy blue eyes met my brown pools. Instinctively, I lowered my head. I could smell she was not human. I asked 'Hey, uh, my name is Sophie. What's yours?'.

She narrowed her eyes at me for some reason and answered 'Hey I am Alexis, nice to meet you.' She totally did not look like she was pleased to meet me, but I kept the thought to myself.

I continued 'Well, as you might have guessed, I am your roommate. I take that is your desk and bed.'

'Indeed, they are.' Alexis quickly replied. She then added in a harsher tone 'Just to be clear, we are here to study hard. No party. No friends over. No noise in this room.'

I silently nodded in response, surprised by the seriousness of her demeanour.

'Fair enough. I am also here with the intention to study intensely. But I need to put away my stuff first. I will do it quietly, do not worry.' I told Alexis. 

She nodded and turned back to her books. While I was fixing my staff away, I smiled at myself thinking that she reminded me of Skye, of her dominant nature. I wondered what Skye was doing right now...

'Sophie. Sophie. Hellooo.' Alexis was watching me with her head half tilted to the side. She was still sitting at her desked, but this time she was fully turned towards me. For the first time, I had a proper look at my roommate. Holy moly, she was cute.


'What type of shifter, are you?'. Alexis suddenly asked.

'I am a wolf shifter, you?'

One of the consequences of living in the city and mingling with different species was that we could lose our characteristic smell determined by the place we lived in. Wolves, for instance, had a typical forest-woody scent, as their natural habitat was indeed the forest. I must have lost my forest-woody scent already, even after few months, since Alexis could not figure out I was a wolfshifter. I was intrigued. I still had an individual, characteristic smell, but it did not define my shifter nature anymore. To be fair, I could also not place which supernaturals Alexis belonged to.

'I am a panther shifter but been living in the city all my life.' Without thinking I exclaimed 'Lucky you'. She raised an eyebrow but did not ask further questions.


The following morning Alexis and I found out that we had most classes together. She organized the day and I followed. Like that a week went by. I loved med school so far. All the subjects were so interesting and fascinating. I also enjoyed the silent but comfortable relationship that I was having with my roommate. From her commanding tone, it was clear to me that she must have been at least a Delta or Beta. Maybe even an Alpha . But instead of behaving arrogantly or superiorly towards me, she treated me with respect. I felt safe and reassured in her presence. She reminded me of Skye.

We spent the weekend studying. On Saturday night we decided to treat ourselves by watching Dr House. We used it as an alternative way to learn. Although, it did not represent realistic scenarios, we still managed to revise some interesting topics from the cases they covered.

This Alexis panther-shifter was a smart ass. I was in awe of her intelligence, determination and preparation. I really liked her.

Even after a week, I did not know almost nothing about Alexis. She seemed focused merely on studying and be the best doctor possible. I related to that. I did not feel like talking about my past either. It made me sad and melancholic. Considering that we had similar aspirations, we established moments of perfect comfortable silence between us.


On Monday morning I was walking with Alexis to our first class of the day. Anatomy.

'Ok, Sophie, name all the bone of the lower limb.' Alexis suggested.

'All right.' I replied. 'Femur, patella, tibia, fibula...' As I was entering the class, my brown pupils stumbled upon a pair of forest-green eyes. My mouth went agape. I was in shock. There in front of my face was Skye.

What. The. Hell.

Alexis nudged me on the ribs, looking concerned. She woke me from my dazed state, but I could still not talk.

Skye was also looking my way. She smiled lightly at me and went to the front of the class. I did not even notice that Professor Smith had arrived. Alexis dragged me to my sit and kept staring at me worryingly. Alexis looked at Skye with narrowed eyes. I guessed Alexis was bothered that she was not in control of the situation, as she had no idea what was this all about. For the first time, I noticed Alexis looking interested in something that was not medically related.

Professor Smith introduced Skye to the class. Skye did not explain why she could not attend from the start. I was impatient to talk to her. I was seated in the left corner of the front row. I could not see Skye at all from where I was, unless I made it obvious and turned around to face the last seat of the central row. Which I did not do. Much to my disdain though, I did also not manage to listen to the lecture at all.

Finally the bell rang. I stayed glued to my seat, whilst Alexis stood up and left without saying a word. I could only watch her long legs and sturdy ass making their way to the physiology class.

'Ermh, looking at anything interesting?'

I look up and noticed Skye standing next to me with a raised eyebrow.

'Skye, hey, what..ehm..are you doing here?'

'I am attending med school, duh.' Skye said keeping her eyebrow raised but adding a half grin.

'Well, yeah. I noticed that. I guess I am surprised because I had no idea. You never told me.'

'You never asked'.

'Fair point.'

'So why did you start a week later then?'

'I'd tell you, but we would end up late for our next class, we better move'.

'Oh, shit, yeah.' I turned my head around and noticed the empty class. The clock signalled there were two minutes left before physiology. We run.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now