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Only few months were left till graduation. I was excited to finish high school and I was constantly daydreaming about the city and medical school.

That was my opportunity to rise from my destiny of submissive animal and conduct a more honourable life.

While I was walking in the school corridor toward my class, I hear a burst of laugher erupting just a few feet away from me. Confused I looked back and noticed Jake and his pup-gang were standing close by.

From my past experiences, I learnt that this attitude meant trouble. Trouble that usually was directed at me. I watched closely for any sings of prank that might have been placed near me, such as water or flour balloons, cords attached to paint, cans full of rotten food.

Strangely I did not notice anything suspicious in my proximity. I tried to discretely walk as far away as possible from them. I reached my classroom safe and clean.

Today must have been a good day. Skye and Hanna also took their seat next to each other. They were rushing through some homework and looked too busy to notice anything else. Math lesson was about to commence.

I found strange that Skye and Andrew have not made an official announcement yet about their mating. Tradition established that after a mating bond was discovered and both party accepted, then an official mating statement was proclaimed. One year after that, a proper mating bond could be established. In human terms that would correspond to a marriage.

The school bell rang. It was lunch time. I made my way to my cafeteria and ordered my usual chips. After the awkward conversation with Skye, I now also got a side dish of mixed veggies and a fruit smoothie. I hope those counted towards my 5-a- day.

I took my usual sit next to Greg and Alfred in the huge refectory room, said hi and started eating. In between mouths full of food we managed to catch up on the morning events. Typically discussing new assignments and topic learnt the previous hours.

They were nerds, like myself. Greg was a Delta, whereas Alfred was an Epsilon. They also skipped the first year of high school thanks to their top marks. However, because of their status, Jake and his friends did not bother them, unlike myself.

After lunch, we went to our lockers to exchange the books for our next lesson. As soon as I opened my locker door, an explosion of shredded paper welcomed me. I blinked a few times before I realised what had happened. Fucking b******.

He had destroyed all my books, including the once that I had borrowed from the library to prepare for the entry test for medicine. Fuck, it will take me ages to pay them back. News that hurt the most was that I would not being able to borrow any other until I repay those back. My most precious belongings besides my ps4 were in pieces.

Everyone around me was laughing to tears. I was shocked and stuck in place. tears spilling freely.

Until Skye, Andrew and their group appeared from around the corner. Everybody turned silent. Skye looked at my teary face and started growling. Andrew and the rest of their friends looked confused.

'What the hell happened here' Skye barked. Everybody pointed their fingers towards Jake, including his pals.

'Care to explain what the hell is this mess'. Skye said walking towards Jakes with her hands on her hips. She looked like she was ready to rip him apart.

'It was just an innocent joke. Just a bit of paper was destroyed, no harm has been done whatsoever.'

Skye narrowed her eyes in disbelief. But before she could replay anything to Jake, Andrew intervened.

'You and your friends must clean up this mess straight away. And do not forget to officially apologise to Sophie. I want to hear that loud and clear.'

Jake was scared and just as he and his gang were approaching me, I run. I run back home. I did not care for their apologies. They did not count. They would not give me back my books. They would not lessen my pain, they were not sincere and I could certainly smell that.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now