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Luckily for me, Skye cared about her grades as well. She had all As and Bs. This meant the project could be done appropriately and maybe she might even help, although I highly doubted that. I knew the drill way too well.

Skye arranged for us to meet at her place. I was incredibly nervous at that. Not only I have never been inside her house before, but I also felt like crying around such a dominant presence.

I rang the doorbell. Skye opened the door herself. She looked stunning. She smelt of lavender shower gel. Her hair were still dump and some sticked to her face. Her gorgeous forest-green eyes were shining.

She smirked at me and welcomed me in. I slowly stepped inside and looked around. Compared to my small bunker, her place was huge. Suddenly she took my hand and led me to her room. I was certain my face looked redder than a red light signal.

'Sophie welcome to my room. There is no point in showing you around since this is the only place in which we will stay to study. We have got everything we need here. There is also an in suite bathroom, just there'. She pointed to our left to show me the door. Wow, her room is as big as my whole cabin.

'Sophie, if you are hungry let me know, I can go down to the kitchen and fetch some snacks.' Just as I was about to answer no, my stomach decided to grumble loudly. Skye smirked and sat up from the desk where we were sitting. Once again, I was sure my flushed face was visible at least a mile away.

A few minutes later, she was back with a tray full of food. It looked like she ravaged her kitchen. I was agape. Fruits, sausages, biscuits, crisps and more were placed in front of us.

'Ok then, let's take a break from this damn project and eat something.'

I didn't need to be told twice. My hand landed on the packet of triple chocolate biscuits. I started drooling. I think after my first bite I even moaned, they were delicious. Skye started laughing out loud, while she was feasting on a carrot. At this rate, I think I blushed for the 100th of times.

'Do you ever eat any healthy food at all?' Skye said. Rachel popped in my head and I instinctively rolled my eyes. Skye continued 'Even at school you just seem to pick always the most unhealthy food possible. You will get sick if you continue to eat like that.' Apparently, my ever present red glow was not going to disappear any time soon. I wanted to ask how she knew what I ate at school and why she cared. But I stayed silent. Skye raised her perfect manicured eyebrow and insisted 'So tell me. Is it because you have any allergies to fruit and veggies?'. In that instant I wish it was that, but the truth was much more embarrassing.

I sighed, slurped my shoulders down and admitted 'No, no allergies'.

'So what is it?'.

'Well, I suffer from an uncontrollable sweet tooth and everlasting laziness when it comes to cooking.'

Skye kept on staring at me but said nothing. She seemed incredulous. In the meantime, I distracted myself from her stare by taking a renewed interest in my fingernails. Uh, it is time to cut them.

Five hours later, we decided that it was time to stop. we agreed to meet one more time to finish the writing up for the project. The final dot was in sight. Next time the project meeting would be at my place.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now