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I woke up in pain. My mouth was dry and my head was pounding. I could barely lift my eylids.

I managed to whisper 'What happened? Where Am I?'

Instead of a direct replay, I heard movements around me and many voices sussurring 'She is awake. Sophie is awake.'

The first answer came from Skye 'Hey, good morning! You are in my bedroom, recovering from the Raven tiger-pack attack.'

Holy shit. Panick started rising on my chest as the last memeories I had, quickly resourfaced. I became agitated, but a second later I felt Skye's hand landing on my shoulders. She started moving her figers delicately up and down my collar bone, in a soothing motion. I felt immidiately better after that.

Shortly after, I heard quick footsteps coming inside Skye's room. I heart Rachel's voice. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

'Om my gosh Sophie! How are you feeling? I... I... I mean you gave us a huge scare. I though we had lost you, little one.'

Oh blimey. Rachel just called me little one. It did not happen since I turned 14. That meant trouble. I needed to know what the hell was going on... Then Alexis face poped up on my mind. I started panicking again.

'What happened to Alexis, please I need to know.' I whispered with difficulty.

I turned my head to face Skye. She took a dreep breath and finally started speaking.

'I was in my dorm, having a few drinks with my roomates when I heard you.'

I raised painfully my eyebrows in confusion. Then Skye clarified 'I heard your telepathic message. It said 'Skye, I am so sorry'. I figured you were in trouble, so I left the building and quickly found your scent. It was mixed with blood. I sent a telphatic message to the pack asking for their help. When I reached the tennis court, you were passed out near a bush, whereas Alexis was bleeding and bruised everywhere, but still fighting. She said her pack would arrive anytime soon. I shifted and started fighting next to her side. We managed to fend off the tigers, until the pack of panthers joined us shortly afterwards... In the end, the homophobic tigers learnt their lesson.'

As the details were unfolding, my eyes grew big. Tears started streaming down. What started as an amazing night turned out into pure hell. 'How is Alexis, please tell me Skye'. My lips quivered and I stared deeply into her forest-green eyes. They were conforting.

From the side of the bed, she reached for my face with a napking and dried my tears away. Then she continued 'She will be fine. She is not back into shape yet, but she will recover fully soon enough. She was looked after by her parents who happened to be doctors. Pretty usuful hey'. Skye smiled and winked at me. I slowly smiled back. Then Skye added 'She is definitely better off than you.'

'Uh, what do you mean?'

Skye took another deep breath and with a more compassionate tone she carried on. 'You lost a lot of blood, that's why you passed out. Your left leg was badly injured. Luckily for you, only the gastrocnemius muscle on your calf was lacerated. The tib and fib are still intact.'

'Oh damn.' It was all I could say. The repercussion of the event needed to still sink in.

'Yup. Oh, damn. It is an appropriate expression in this case'. Said Skye smiling again. Seen her smile me feel better. My face and shoulders were still tingling from her touches.

Skye continued to unfold the situation to me 'Although to a minor extent that your leg, you are bruised pretty much everywhere. As you might have realised yourself by this point, shifting for you is out of the question. Not until you regaine some strength, which might take a few weeks from now.'

Shifting would have healed me faster. But Shifting without enough energy might get me stuck into my wolf form till fully recovered. I didn't want to risk that. Communicating only telepathically, without being able to speak was a total nightmare. It required loads of energy and training. It was out of question.

'Oh fuck, but what about uni, I need to study, we have lectures and a test coming up soon.' I chocked out as soon as the reality check was completed.

This time it was Rachel who talked 'I spoke with your school president. Audio lectures will be recorded and sent to you until you will be better'.

Wow, I was moved by that. Rachel once again took her time to sort out my own life. She was my hero.

As if on cue she added 'It was actually Skye' s idea. Bear in mind that you will have to do a few months of physiotherapy to regain full use of the lacerated leg. Shifting will heal your leg quicker. But you will be able to shift back and forth only when you regained enough energies to do so.'

At that point I was so tired that instead of repling, I just felt into a peaceful slumber.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now