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The alarm clock started ringing at 7am. Damn, I hated waking up early. By early I meant anytime before 10am. But It was a school day and it was time to get ready.

I groaned and steered, then, still half asleep, I have made my way to the shower. For the day, I decided to wear a pair of loose dark blue jean, a red t-shirt and a forest-green sweater. Finally I picked up my backpack and made my way out of my place.

It took me 3min walk to cover the distance to the building that it was allocated as a school by the pack. Once I arrived I still had 5min to spare before the bell rang, signalling the start of the school day. Nevertheless, I quickly headed to my biology class to avoid Jake's unwanted attention. In the meantime though, I could munch on some chocolate biscuits.

Jake was only a year younger than me, but I was two years ahead of him at school. The Alpha allowed me to move a year ahead due to my straight-As that I collected since primary school. This meant I shared most of my classed with Skye.

My phone buzzed. It was Rach. She texted to me to meet after school. I knew that she wanted to give me a home-made dinner. She knew that after school I would be too lazy to cook. In fact, I would usually pick up some fried food from school to bring home for dinner. Rach said that it was an unhealthy habit. I did not understand. Wolf metabolism and stronger built should handle anything that could serve as fuel.

Once, I asked Rach why we needed healthy food as wolf shifters. She gave me the biggest eye roll ever.

'Sophie have you ever heard of essential vitamins. You can only get those through a varied and balanced diet, otherwise you will end up struggling to shift back to a human-like form and viceversa. In the worst case scenario, you might get stuck in your wolf or human form, if your body does not have all the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. '

The following two weeks after that conversation had been the healthiest of my whole life. Then my laziness took over again, and I got back to a processed food diet. Rachel noticed and started preparing larger meals, so that she could hand them to me to compensate my lack of cooking will. Matt wasn't complaining and neither did I. I felt so lucky to have such a great big sis.

After I took a sit in the left far corner of the middle row, I noticed that Skye and her friends including Andrew were standing just outside the door. They were all laughing, presumingly at someone's joke. Instinctively, I checked whether I had any stains on my clothes. All clear. When I looked up again, Skye was looking straight at me. Myself and my wolf immediately shied away and bowed our head down.

The sound of the bell made everybody sit down. Few moments later, Mr Shultz came in. Today's topic covered how essential nutrients were fundamental to maintain a healthy status for the whole animal kingdom. How hilarious.

At the end of the lecture, Mr Shultz announced that there was a school project to do in pairs before the end of the first semester. Immediately, the wolves started to move from their chairs to form their own pairs of choice. As usual, I was left out. We were 23 in the class. After few moments, Mr Shultz cleared his throat and called Skye and Hanna to his desk. The both spent a few minutes discussing something with Mr Shultz, which I had no interest in overhearing. Then, they made their way back to their seats.

Hanna was Skye's best friend since childhood and belonged to a Gamma family. Like Skye she had a toned body and long straight blonde hair with big brown eyes. She was hot, very hot.

I blinked twice to wake up from my hormonal trance. Luckily the pack could not read my thoughts unless I allowed it with the mind link, otherwise I'd be dead.  Giggling to myself, I tried to take a peak at Hanna's curves once again, when I noticed she was crying. Next to her there was Skye with a huge frown who was looking my way.

In that moment, Mr Shultz called me through the mind link to explain to me what was happening, since he realised I did not paid attention to what he had just said. Holy crap. Hanna failed her essay and was instructed to redo it in order to pass the biology module. This meant that she could not take part in this new project and I was assigned to work with Skye. Suddenly, an intense shiver run through the whole length of my back, making me and my wolf shake all over.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now