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All the 87 members of the Ruby pack joined Skye's 18th birthday party. Once a wolf shifter turns 18, they become able to smell the scent of their mate.

Most of the members of the pack belonged to Gamma, Delta and Epsilon families. There was only one Alpha and one Beta family as well as only one Omega: Lydia's. I was a standalone Omega pup.

I was leaning on the wall of the reception room enjoying my fresh beer. Sitting nearby was Rachel and her friends, who were speculating about Skye's potential mate.

'Rach, I am sure it will be Andrew. I can sense those two are made of the same fur. They are compatible, both so stubborn and clever.'

'Yeahhh, I think so too, they would be such a cute couple.'

'Nawww they are both too dominant. They would tear each other apart in less than a week. They would try to overpower each other for every minimal thing. I bet ya.'

'Mmh, maybe you are right. Although Andrew always had a soft spot for Skye. I could smell it on him. He might be able to soften up a bit for Skye's sake. Mate bonds do miracles. Ahaha'

'To be honest, I don't think Skye will find her mate within this pack. Look at her. She certainly does not look enthusiastic. Such a shame, tonight is such a milestone for her.'

Andrew was the alpha's son and future leader of the Ruby pack. A few months younger than Skye. He was a cool wolf. He never bullied me. Whenever he could, he would protect me from Jake and his mates' teasing.

After a few minutes, I stopped listening. Instead, I started munching on the chocolate cupcakes that were on the table. Who said wolfs do not have a sweet tooth!?

On the opposite side of where I was, there was a big table accommodating the most dominant families of the pack, including Skye's. Further away there were the families of Gammas and Deltas, whereas in the more distant corners were sitting the Epsilons and Lydia's family.

Monika was right. Skye's face looked tense and a bit paler than usual. I wondered why. From this far it was impossible to smell her emotions. Not that I would never been able anyhow. High ranking shifters can camouflage their smell so that their emotions cannot be sensed. Imagine an Alpha transmitting fear and worries to their clan when their job is exactly the opposite.

One thing she had not mastered yet, though, was masking her body language. She looked scared. Maybe she feared adulthood. On the contrary, I wish I was in her place now. I was looking forward to being 18 and free.

Being 18 and officially an adult mean that I would be able to live away from the pack. In fact, I wanted to live in Vilnei, at least for a while.

Leo lived there with his family. He was a reindeer shifter. He confessed it to me after we won an incredibly hard farcry mission. He also told me that living with humans and learning their habits was interesting and somewhat pleasant.

The Supernatural World War against the humans led to such an extensive loss of lives that extinction of both shifters and humans represented a serious concern. Luckily, before this could happen, a peace-treaty was achieved, however, racial discrimination and violent acts were still occurring.

Vilnei was one of the many cities where both supernatural and humans lived in relative peace. According to leo's stories, in the city, traditional hierarchies and animal instincts were not as influential as they were in the wild.

I smiled thinking about being free of kissing another female. I could even have a chance to enter the faculty of medicine. Since my parents died, I always dreamt of becoming an emergency doctor. That profession would allow me to save someone elses parents, since I could not save mine. I definetly had the required grades, but, under pack rules, there was no way that an omega could be allowed to be a leader, even if it entailed saving lives, animal or humans that were.

My dazed state was interrupted by a sharp pain to my ribs. I turned around to check who pinched me and saw Rach who was about to engulf me into a hug.

Rach was 3 years my senior and found her mate, Matt, a year ago when she was 19. Together they formed a lovely mate bond as they are both extremely caring and nice. Rachel and I have been very close since childhood. It was her Gamma family, who adopted me after the Supernatural War ended, so in a way she was my big sister.

'Hey, you. Glad you made it from your bunker, sick pup'.

I sticked my tongue out to her and clanked my beer bottle to hers. 'Cheers to the Beta'. We said in unison.

It was almost midnight and most of the youth was tipsy, including myself. I actually had fun tonight.

At midnight the forest run would commence. Every member of the pack would turn into their wolf form and run all night with the beta to welcome her into adulthood.


When I woke up my legs felt incredibly sore. I checked the time. It was 5pm and I still wanted to sleep. But my hunger was stronger, which led me to get up and reach the shower.

While the hot rush of water was slowly waking me up, strange and confused memories resurfaced into my mind: after the forest run was finished, Skye shifted back into her human form and stared back at me with a panicked look on her face. For a moment, I thought something was about to attack me from behind. So I turned, but saw nothing. Once I look back, Skye was gone.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now