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'Hey Leo!! How is it going?' I exclaimed excited to the phone.

'Sophie!! All good. I miss you, babe.'

'I miss you too. Med school is so intense, but I am enjoying it so much. I have a really cool roomate with whom I study all the time. And you know what, you would never guess...'

In that moment, Alexis turned from her desk and looked at me raising her black eyebrow. I knew she could hear everything. I smiled to her and continued talking to Leo.

'Mmh so let me guess, you felt in love with your cool roomate, am I right!?'. Oh, shit.

Alexis had now both of her eyebrows raised. I turned a bright red and and quickly said 'No, no that's not it. Skye is at med school as well'.

'Oh, I didn't know you had a pack memeber joining med school.'

'Leo, me neither.'

'Anyway, Sophie, I called you becasue I wanted to invite you to my birthday party. It will be next Saturday. We are going to have some drinks in the 'ONeils pub, nothing crazy, I promise, but I would love you for you to come. Please'.

I sighted and thought to myself that after two months of intense studying a little evening break wouldn't hurt. Also and most importantly, my best friend birthday was a big thing to me. I felt compelled to go. For Leo.

'Leo, yeah, I am coming'.

'Yayyyy! I will text you the details on Saturday morning. I am so, so happy!'

I smiled and said 'I am happy too, we need to catch up and have a bit of fun together.'

'Oh Sophie, your cool roommate is welcome to join us as well, byeee!'.

'Leo, I don't think she is interested... if you know what I mean.'

I waited for his response but nothing came. I took the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen. Leo was long gone. Ops.

Alexis was frowing. 'Sophie, what do you mean when you said I am not interested?'

'Oh, are you into girls then, Alexis?'. Now, I was the one who was intrigued.

Alexis quickly replied, her steady icy glaze never leaving my face 'No'.

I grinned 'You see, my gaydar was right'

Now it was Alexis's turn to grin. Her almost white eyes turning a darker shade of blue. 'I did not say I was not into girls. What I am saying is that I am not only into girls. I am pansexual, if you really want to put a label on it.'

'Oh' I was fascinated by her answer but also confused.

Alexis must have read my body language and added. 'What it means is that when I am attracted to someone it is not because of their gender but solely because of their personality, or hormones in terms of mating.'

'That makes sense.'

I wondered if pansexuality applied to me as well. So I started thinking about a personality of a male that I liked. Ah, there it was: Leo. Then I started thinking about a more intimate relationship with him... Uhu, Yak, No. I don't think I could do anyhing sexual with a male, no matter how nice they are.

Alexis who was still looking at me, rolled her eyes. She must have smelled my disguste.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now