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Skye stood outside my door, with a neutral look and a grocery bad. She was wearing a baseball cap and a blue tracksuit. I blinked in shock at her a few times. 'So do I have to wait here outside other 5min or can I come in.' Skye said. 

I did not say anything and let her in. We both went to the kitchen. I sat down, while she was unpacking the eatable goods.

'I got you some food, which includes dinner. I opened the fridge last night and saw it was empty. I figured you would have skipped lunch, so I came with dinner.'

I was speechless. Even without alcohol this time, my brain cells decided to stop working. I think she noticed my startled expression because she looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

Then she smirked and said 'Now, Sophie, start to breathe again and tell me if you fancy some mash potatoes and vegetarian sausages.'

I still could not figure out how to respond to what was happening, so I just nodded. Luckily, she also set the table and prepared the plates. We ate in silence, it was delicious.

After dinner was finished, I felt a bit more alive, so I tentatively said. 'Ehm, about last night, I am sorry and thank you. And thank you again for tonight.'

She replied 'Please, promise you will not do anything as stupid as you did last night.'

I wasn't completely sure whether she was referring to the kissing part or the drunkish part or the whole lot. As if on cue, she added.

'I mean the whole escape in the city thing. You could have got hurt or worse... The city is a very dangerous place, Sophie. You got so drunk you barely could stand on your own feet. You went illegally in a club and got yourself in that state... Have you lost your mind?

'I wasn't alone...'. It was the only three words I could come up with in that moment.

Skye continued 'Oh, yeah, I am also aware that you lied to your friend about your age... What were you thinking??'

As Skye started to raise her voice, I started to lower my head in shame, my wolf was whining too. The only thing I could think next was 'How did you know?'

She tilted her head and added. 'How did I know what?'

'Where to find me, I mean where I was. Did you follow me?'

'Yes, I did follow you'. My head shoot up again. I looked at her in confusion. She sighted loudly, stopped her tirade and started explaining. She was probably conscious about the fact that she could not change what had happened the previous night. And she could definitely smell my regret and guilt.

'I came to give you some books.'

'What do you mean?' I looked at her questioningly.

'I found copies of some of the books that got damaged from Jake's prank. I am sure you still need books to study from... and you want to pass the medical entry exam, isn't it?'

'yes... how do you know that?' I asked her curiously.

'I saw you in the library preparing for those.'

'Oh.' I wanted to ask Skye so many more questions such as why was she even watching me... But my upcoming headache refrained me from questioning her further.

Skye said 'I figured Rachel will not have any more copies to give to you. And since the medical books you got from the pack library got ripped as well, you will not be allowed to borrow anymore from there either... I put the books inside the drawer over there'. She pointed her finger at the top drawer of my desk.

My jaw had felt to the floor. I had lost my ability to speak, so I tried to figure out what was going on by using other senses. However, her body odour seemed neutral and her body language was unreadable. Damn, I wanted to learn too, how to dominate my body language and smell so well.

'I saw you that you were walking in the forest from the window. You were wearing a backpack. I got curious and decided to follow you. I was honestly surprised to find you taking a bus to the city. And before you ask, yes, it was me who stepped on a branch, broke it and made a noise. You did not image it.'

Another 'Oh' escaped my mouth.

Skye continued 'You smelt of remorse and euphoria at the same time. I knew that signified trouble. I knew I had to track you in the city. So I got some cash from home, food and got to the city. It wasn't easy to smell your scent, it is a big city after all. But I got there eventually. I could not believe though that your scent would led me into a club. Luckily for you I am 18 already and for real. The rest you know already yourself... I dragged you home, safe and sound. Please do not do it again.'

I was a hot mess, not only on my face though. The words she just said hit me in more than one place. In my head the events from last night were replaying continuously. I still had so many questions I wanted to ask Skye, but felt a coward, not wanting to be slapped by reality once again. Maybe for once dreaming that someone like Skye might like me felt incredibly exciting.

'Thank you again, Skye. I will not do it again.' And with that Skye nodded and left.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now