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My cabin was one the smallest of the pack but closest to the forest. I was allowed to live by myself since I turned 16 and I loved it. As an omega, the least important in the hierarchy of the wolf members, I was pleased to even have my own little roof over my head. I also owed a tv and ps4, which allowed me to pass the time in peace without being bullied around by Jake's gang.

The Ruby wolf pack was small but powerful and was located in the forest near Vilnei, a town where shifters of all kinds and humans cohabitated. It was certainly not the worst place where to live nor a bad family-pack to belong to. When I was 4, both of my parents died in the Supernatural World War against the humans, and I was protected and cared for by the pack. The senior wolves were kind and responsible towards all of their members and the alphas had been great leaders for generations. Most of the teenage pups though were immature and silly, especially the boys...

In general, it felt good to belong to such a strong pack. However, sometimes, in the light of my 17years of age, I felt like I did not want to belong. I did not want to disappoint. But this was my nature as my wolf was one of the weakest. I felt sorry for my potential mate. Who on earth would want to mate with a weak and useless wolf. At that thought, I actually giggled to myself: maybe I could marry my ps4 instead. At least, I could play far cry online in co-op with peers who did not give a damn about my shifter nature nor strength, I mean, lack of it. Luckily, I still had one year before I would be able to feel the mating scent.

The phone started ringing. 'Hello Rachel. No, I am not coming. Not feeling well, sorry, bye.'

The phone started ringing again 'Sophie shut up and listen to me'. I rolled my eyes and replied. 'Fine, Rach. I have already told you that I am not well and cannot come to Skye's bday party. You enjoy, bye'.

'Sophie, don't you dare put down the phone on me again. Listen, turn off that damn ps4, get ready and move your ass to the main reception. Everybody should be here in 30min.'


'Sophie, it is an important pack event, it is the beta's daughter turning 18. Every wolf will be there. You cannot miss it, sorry.'

Fuck. Just when I was finishing an important mission. I turned on the microphone and spoke 'Hey Leo, I am sorry but I have to go.'

'Noooooo, why!? Just now that we were managing to kick the peggies' butt'.

'I know, Leo.' I said, feeling frustrated. 'Look, if I could I'd stay here playing with you all weekend but my parents' friend is turning 18 and it is important for me to be there.'

'Oh, very well then. It is a family thing then. Don't get too wasted, lol. I need you in full focus for the next mission.'

I smiled at Leo' s laughers. His cheerful attitude was contagious. He knew I did not particularly looked forward to family gathering, especially when they concerned the celebration of teenage pups.

I was about to turn of the ps4 when Leo chirped in 'Sophie, I was thinking that after one year of enjoying playing co-op together, we should actually meet.'

For a moment I was taken aback. I considered Leo a friend, and the idea of rendering my online play buddy a reality was extremely appealing. On top of that he was gay, just like me. So I replied. 'Leo, you know what, I think we should indeed meet sooner than later.'

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now