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Another Saturday night, another beer in my hand. This time Rach managed to drag me to the school Christmas party, which was mainly attended by teenagers with barely visible beards. Most of the young wolves were already tipsy, some passed out. This was to be expected in a parent-free party.

I sat on a very comfortable couch trying to relax, watching the immature teenage display with annoyance. Rach who sat next to me started the conversation. 

'Hey Sophie, have you got any plans for the Christmas break? Playing PlayStation will not be accepted as an appropriate answer.'

I had to laugh at Rachel's mockery because that was exactly what I had in mind. I frowned thinking of a plausible plan. I did not want to lie to Rach. I opted for deflection instead. 

'Well, for now, I am just enjoying the feeling of having finished all of my coursework with satisfactory grades, which includes the one from the infamous biology project.'

I was grinning widely. School made me feel proud of myself. Having top grades meant that I could be good at least at one thing on this planet. Moreover, straight As represented the key to enter medical school.

All of a sudden, Ann, who was sitting in front of Rachel, announced 'Guys do you know the latest news!?' Apparently, Skye found her mate.'

My grin vanished. I felt jealous. I was not entitled to feel that way as I had nothing to do with Skye. We weren't even friends, as a matter of fact. Still, I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. My relaxed-tipsiness was gone.

I barely managed to whisper back to Ann 'And who would the lucky wolf be?'. I really wanted to know, I was curious, even though knowing was somewhat painful.

Ann was looking at me with a quizzical expression on her face. I hope that my disappointment and change in mood were not too obvious. Damn, I hated that my emotions smelt and I was not able to disguise them. I tried to smile as widely as I could. Ann looked at me with a wicked smile, alluding that my curiosity may be over the top. She was right, I wanted to hear the big news. 

'Rumours indicate Andrew as her potential mate.'

'Oh, those two form indeed the perfect couple. The Alpha and the Beta of one of the strongest pack of Europe. I am sure Skye would be a perfect Luna for the pack.' Added Rachel.

In my subconscious, I knew that what Rachel was saying was true. They really seemed to form a perfect match together. After sighting to myself, I realized I had finished my second beer and needed the loo.

In the girl's stalls, I was about to liberate myself when next to my cubicle I started hearing muffled sounds.

'Oh, ohh, ohhh, ohhhh...' It was becoming louder and louder with an associated rhythmic sound that resembled two bodies repeatedly smashing into each other...OMG what the hell was that!?

As reality checked in, I immediately felt flushed. A wave of warmth and excitement engulfed me. I needed to get out. My wolf protested but I was resolved to maintain my dignity and safety as much as possible. I was already bullied enough, I did not need any more gossip to add to the fire.

I managed to come out of the ladies on unsteady feet. I decided that a fresh beer would certainly help me to regain a more composed status. I reached the bar and grabbed a beer from the fridge. As I was about to take my first sip, I feel all wet. This time, not only down there, but everywhere, especially on all my clothes, which now were stuck to my skin.

Fuck Jake and his annoying friends. They all started laughing and making fun of me. In that moment, Rach came to my rescue, like she always had done other million times before.

'Pups, that's enough! Next time you pull a stunt like that, I will make sure your parents cage you like wild animals!' Rach growled at the gang with a fiery and angry stare. 

Rach being a Gamma wolf, had more power than those Epsilon pups. Her words hit Jake and his gang like a brick in the head. They all looked down at her, mumbled a quick apology, and left.

Since ancient times, being a rogue without a pack family to belong to, was still considered the worst possible fate for any living being.

Ann came running to the bar with a towel. The other wolves hanging around the refreshment area were either too drunk or indifferent to understand what was happening. I looked up to take the towel from Ann and noticed Skye looking directly at me. Unsurprisingly, she looked pissed off as if something was bothering her. Next to her, there were Andrew and their friends, who instead seemed to enjoy their time, clueless to their surroundings.

I quickly turned around me to check what might have caused Skye's gloomy mood. Is some other drama happening? From what I could see outside the usual loud talking, there was not much else. I shrugged, thanked Rachel, Ann, and a few other wolves that I was with that night for their company and help, and went back to my cabin.

While I was walking back home, I had the strange sensation of been observed. I shivered, looked back again, and saw nothing.

'Oh, well, I might as well start hallucinating now.' I said to myself while laughing at the full moon.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now