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'Leo, I decided I want to come and visit you in the city next weekend.'

'Whatttt!!! Wooow, Sophie you just gave me the best news ever!! I am so happy. We finally can meet face to face. So, any ideas of what you would like to do and, how long would you like to stay here?'

'Well, since you are the city expert here and you kind of know me... I though you could decide what would make us both have the best times of our lives. I am on school Easter break for the whole of next week. Maybe I could come on Saturday? As far as I am aware the best parties are usually held on that day, yay. We can spend the whole afternoon and evening together. I have checked already the bus timetables and the last bus to the forest near where I live, which is at 12am. What do you think?'

'Slow down, girl, you are talking so fast that I can barely make sense of what you are saying ahahah. I do understand though, I feel as excited as you do! We are going to have so much fun together. And yes, you are right, meeting on Saturday afternoon would be the best choice. But no worries. I will organise your stay and where to go. I will also let my flatmates know that I might have a guest staying over for the night, so you don't need to rush taking the last bus home. You could just leave first thing on Sunday morning.'

'Yes, Leo. Thank you so much, the plan sounds awesome'.

'Indeed! Finally we are going to meet!!!'


'Oh my gosh. Saturday is finally here. It is happening. I am going to the city. Oh yeahhh.'

After smirking to myself non-stop and singing that sentence on repeat for the first few hours of Saturday morning, it was time to take the 30 min walk to the bus station. With my backpack done and cell phone charged, I left.

Suddenly, while I was walking, a few meters from me I heard a branch breaking. I turned around trying to scan and smell the area, but I detected nothing. I decided that dwelling too much on the mystery of the broken branch was not worth it.

Today was the day I wanted feel free and happy. Today I was able to make my own decisions. Well, at least the ones that Leo's hasn't thought of. So, I speeded up my walking peace and focused on these positive thoughts.

On the bus, I thought of the pack. It hasn't been difficult to pretend I was closed in my place for the whole weekend studying or playing the ps4. I texted Rachel asking her not to contact me nor visiting me during these couple of day, using an important assessment to prepare as an excuse. She would be the only one who would be actually bothered to make it all the way to the last cabin of the wolf town to check on me.


As soon as I exited the bus, a multitude of smells made me dizzy. For a moment I missed the fresh forest pine smell. I shacked that nostalgic feeling away and focused on how to regain control of my overloaded senses.

Everything was so different from how I always known and was used to. So many living beings sharing tiny spaces. Tall buildings, cars, pollution, constant loud noises... It was chaos, but after a few minutes of I started relaxing and adapting to the new environment. If chaos meant that I was going to be free then I liked it very much. Yes, I was ready to enjoy the city.

I looked at my phone and saw a message from Leo. ' I can see you, babe.'


I looked up and stared at a paired of gray eyes a few meters from me. Leo had blonde silky waves falling to the height of his eyes. Very defined biceps were evident from the tight multicoloured clothes. Leo was a tall, handsome reindeer shifter.

A huge hug later and we were on our way to Leo's choice of pub. I have never been in such a crowded place before and the smell of beer was almost sickening. Almost. It was a LGBTQ+ pub and there was a multitude of couples and groups enjoying themselves. Awesome, gay vibes emanated from the place, which of the place made me shiver of joy and keep a constant smile on my face. Supernaturals are not usually against homosexuals in a harsh sense, but it was atypical to have openly declared LGBTQ+ wolves members. The Ruby pack never discussed anything related to LGBTQ+ matter as far as I was aware. Probably there were no gays in our pack. Well, except me of course.

The issue was that I had heart some members of my pack using LGBTQ+ terms in a derogatory sense. Presumably the lack of diversity in the Ruby pack village contributed to the prevention of basic forms of respect and understanding towards sexual and gender heterogeneity.

After a burger and at our second round of beers, Leo told me what he had planned for our night: LGBTQ+ club. He asked me if I had ever kissed a girl. When he saw that my head turned laterally instead of vertically, he gave me a sly smile and dared me to kiss my first girl tonight. At that, I swallowed hard and trembled slightly. This time I felt nervous but excited at the same time.

I was definitely more tipsy then I had never been before in my pup life. I knew from the drunk stories of other wolves that I most definitely would be paying the consequences later, but in that moment, I felt happy and free. Carpe diem as I once read on an old book.

The club was even busier than the pub and the music was so loud than it almost hurt. Nevertheless, I was in awe seeing the huge mixed crowd of people and shifters having fun and dancing.

We downed our second shot of vodka and moved to the dance floor. I have never danced before and watching Leo pulling his moves made it seem easy but, when I tried, I felt stiff and out of tune. I did not care though, I was enjoying myself so much and that was all that mattered.

My sense of smell was again in overdrive, which enhanced my inebriated status. Waves of bodily fluid odours engulfed my nostrils sending tingling sensations in the darkest places of my body.

At that moment I decided that I wanted to go through with Leo's dare. I wanted to kiss a woman, I wanted to try how a woman's mouth felt on my own. My legs were trembling just at the thought. I looked around to check for a potential prey and noticed a pair of forest-green eyes staring at me in the distance. The redhead looked pissed off. She seemed so familiar. However, I was so drunk that my brain cells decided to go on strike. My vision was blurry and my intuition was turned off.

A few seconds later, Leo grabbed my arm and took me again to the bar for another shot. As soon as I confessed my naughty intentions to Leo, he was at my side scanning the dancing ladies around me. I was surprised to notice how humans and supernaturals mingled well. In that instant, Leo poked my ribs and introduced me to a brunette dancing nearby. He had to keep my feet steady but I managed to put my arm out and shake her hand.

I took the long grin I had received from the brunette as a positive signal. My mission could be accomplished. I was about to kiss a woman. I closed my eyes and slowly approached her face. As soon as my lips touched hers, I felt like a shock of electricity has run through my body. I was in awe and bliss. The only thing I could feel was the moist and softness of her lips, the loud noises from the people and music seemed to have stopped.

But a moment later, I felt something was off. Her lips were not moving. That's not how it was supposed to be, wasn't it? So, I open my eyes and found a pair of forest-green eyes and fiery red hair staring right at me. I could swear I was kissing a brunette... Well, I must have been drunker than I thought.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now