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The next day I woke up in my bed with the worst headache I ever had. Even my wolf was in pain. I was also certain my breath could kill. I looked at the bedside alarm clock. It displayed 2 pm.

'What!? 2pm, how on earth could be that late' I stared at it confused. Then it clicked. I was supposed to be at Leo' s. 'What the hell happened yesterday, Why I am here at my place?' I said out loud, as if someone could hear me and explain the mystery.

My head was still pounding, my memories were foggy. I had to take it step by step. First shower, then everything else.

I forced myself out of bed and into the shower. After a few minutes of cold water running through my body, I tried to think about last night. I was definitely drunk, and now hangover. I giggled at myself, for it being my first time. As the saying goes, the first time is never to be forgotten... Mmh or was that saying in reference to the first love-making, I was not sure anymore.

As I was deeply focused on conversing with myself, I didn't noticed the shower wall was really close and my head ended up lightly hitting it. A wave of nausea washed over me and I had to stay immobile for a few seconds not to throw up. I did not think I would have the right occasion to say the infamous sentence, but here I was. 'I will never drink in my life again'.

As I regained some colour in my paled out face, memories from the last night started to surface as well. As the events where unfolding bit by bit, I suddenly become very weak and struggled to stand. I turned off the shower, grabbed a towel, throw myself back onto the mattress and flushed 50 shades of red. Holly molly. If my memories were correct, last night I kiss Skye. 'Fuck.'


After I tested her frozen but soft lips, she grabbed my arm and took me to the station. At that point, I was too passed out to even protest. Apparently, Leo and Skye were arguing. Skye won. I vaguely recalled hugging Skye on the train confessing that I wanted to kiss her again. And properly that time with tongue and passion. Oh my gosh. I am a dead wolf.

On the way back to the cabin, I behaved even more naughtily. I accidentally cupped her right breast and rested my hand there, it felt so good and squishy. In response, her perfect red brow shoot up. I was still wondering how did I not get slapped. The great mother wolf was protecting me.

After another 10min of lame attempts at touching her sensitive parts, my stomach turned on me. I turned away from Skye and emptied the contents of my stomach. Unexpectantly Skye just stood behind me holding my hair and hips.

As more and more of last night events became clearer, the stronger the will of never getting up from my bed. Ever again. I was sure Skye will be behind pissed with me and by now the whole pack would know and make fun of my brief escape. Strangely enough though, Rach hasn't called me yet to ask about it. Maybe she was pissed off with me too.

Couple of hours later the phone rang. 'Oh shit and now, what do I do, what do I say'. My hands felt clammy, I started to pick up the phone to answer and noticed the caller ID belonged to Leo and not Rachel. I breathed out heavily, liberating all the tension accumulated in those few seconds. Finally, I accepted the call.

'Babes, how are you? I am so sorry you had to leave in that state. I feel awful. I should have realised earlier that our alcohol thresholds are not quite the same.'

'Leo, please don't be sorry, I am an adult and I am responsible for my own action. It was by my own will and fault... and Skye...'

'No, you are not'


'Sophie, that redhead of yours told me. You are 17 not 18. You lied to me. I could have got in serious trouble for letting a minor inside a club, did you not think of that?'

'Shit yes and I am sorry. I was so stupid and naïve. I am really sorry.' At that point I felt tears forming in my eyes and my lower lip started to quiver. Reality was slapping me hard.

'Look Sophie, we all make mistakes. It is part of living a life. I think the most important thing though, it is to learn from our mistakes so that we do not repeat them... So, shall we learn from what happened and not lie to each other anymore, please?'

'Yes, Leo. You are such a dear friend to me. You proved to me multiple times to be a very nice person. I really care for our friendship, I would be heartbroken if I'd lose you.'

'I really like you, too. Then let's strengthen our friendship even more by making it clear that there will be no more lies between each other, ok?'

'I promise Leo, no more lies.'

After the call, my heart felt somewhat lighter and my stomach rumbled. Luckily not because I was feeling sick this time, but because I was starving. I checked the time, it was 8pm. I went to the kitchen, and opened the fridge. It was empty. I groaned loudly. Although I was hungry, I did not dare came out of the cabin. I wanted to postpone facing the pack as much as possible.

I went back to bed. I would wait to eat until the next morning, but just as I was dozing back into unconsciousness, the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock. It was 9pm. With another groan, I turned around and pretended that I did not hear it. The doorbell rand other four times. My patience finished. I got up and went to open the door. Oh, it was Skye.

The Omega, a lesbian story. Completed.Where stories live. Discover now