Chapter 11

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-What are you doing here?

-I was...emm just searching for something and...

Marcus- Martinus why are you so late? You said you only wanted some coffee.

He enters the kitchen and stands still.

-Kamelia go and put on some clothes

I quickly leave from this awkward situation and the last thing I hear is Martinus saying

"She is the last person I was waiting to see here"

Martinus Pov

-Yeah...there are a lot that you dont know...

-I can see it Marcus. Just tell me that nothing happens between you two

-I can't say it..cause it's not true

-Oh my god Marcus...Marte wont let you continue this...

-I wont let her do what she did last time

He sounds decided. I clearly remember what happened last time he had a realtionship and Marte forced him to break up.

He wasnt talking to noone for almost one month. I can understand that he is in love. But...I just hope this will have a happy end..

-Does it worth it?

-Definitely, he answers with stable voice.

Kamelia Pov

I get into the house and Marcus is coming after me. I throw myself on the couch and close my eyes.

We just came back from the rehearsals and I am really tired.

Marcus comes and strokes my hand.

-We have to get ready

-I dont want to go...I want to stay here

-I know that you are tired...I am too. But this time we have to go.

Martinus in the morning said that Marte had something to tell us.

In the afternoon, at the rehearsals she said us that she has a suprise so now we have to go in a club and learn this "surprise".

The truth is that I have a bad feeling for this. I just wish we could stay here and cuddle.

I was dressing up but I couldnt close the zipper of the dress. I shouted Marcus' name but he didnt answer.

Why it has to be so difficult? I was struggling alone while swearing when I felt his hand on my back.

My hands fell on the sides of my body and I was really relieved that he came to help me. But Marcus had other plans. He ran his fingers through my half naked back. I shuddered in his touch and I stopped breathing.

-Marcus we will be late..

With slow moves he closes the zipper and leaves a wet kiss on my neck.

-I guess that I will have to open the zipper when we will come its okay.

Lately he does these comments really often...and the tension between us is obvious. I have to find the perfect timing to do to him what he does to me...tease him.


We entered in the club but noone from the team had come. We had to pass through a big amount of people who were dancing, to reach on our table.

Marcus hands were on my hips and his body close to mine so we cannot lose each other in this chaos.

We sat on the couch and some minutes later the others came too. We were many people and the couch some of us had to stay stood up. I offered my place to Martinus and I stood up but Marcus quickly kept me and made me sit on his lap. This night will be long...

We were all talking and laughing for nonsense things when Marte received a message and she told us to pay attention to her.

-In some seconds the surprise will be here.

I was really curious to see who is it but my curiosity dissapears when I see a tall, brunette girl walking to our direction. I can't understand what she could do with us. Marte stands up and goes next to this girl.

-Unfortunately I wont be able to be with you on the whole tour...In the middle of it I have to come back for some personal issues. But Mary will replace me...of course she will be with us from the start of the tour so I can show her exactly what she has to do.

She smiles bright at everyone and slowly comes and hug every single one.

Everyone seems quite excited to get to know her...I just dont like her. As I can imagine she is almost 25 years old...I feel like she is way too young to be their manager.

She has short, curly hair and she wears a very short dress. When she hugs Marcus she puts her hand on his chest and starts fake laughing. She tries to start a conversation with him but fortunately the music is too loud and the others wait to get to know her too.

I really dont like how they react to each other. I feel something burning inside me when she touches his hair telling him that she likes them.

I get away from his touch and he immediately turn his eyes to me.

-Where are you going?

-I am going to dance

-Wait...I am coming with you

He turns to Mary again to say bye but I have already walked away.

Not after much time I feel his hands on each side of me stoping me. He is standing really close to me but I guess noone can see us as we are in the "dancing floor" and there are a lot of people around us.

-What are you doing? 


I say as I turn around and start moving my body against his.
-wow Kamelia calm down, he wispers and I laugh

-What you did today wasnt okay

-What do you mean ?

-You first turned me on and then stopped

-You stoped told me enough

-I told you not to come to bathroom too but you came.

He smiles knowing that I have right.

-So should I do something to make up?

-Ohh I dont know...

We were in our own world...I couldnt hear the music anymore and I couldnt see anyone else except from him. But all this dissapeared when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was Mary

-Hey, can I "steal" him for a while? He is the only one dancing...everyone else in the table is bored

she says and without waiting an answer from me she push me away and takes my place.

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