Overcome (Tai/Yang)

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Written by Tai, to Yang.

You combust - you glow! Slow-filling the air,

with the kind of rare and head-turning, sight-giving,

long-living, fight-winning ferociousness;

That straight-forward bluntness of will which tends to kill any threat with precision,

but leaves you with tunnel-vision...

I knew one day it would come; you'd exit that tunnel,

and find yourself utterly unprepared -

stared in the eyes

by a surprise, ending in a blade; throwing shade upon

the flames and revealing your dismay

between what's been taken, and what remains.

Some paths lead around, not through!

So many times I wanted to tell you,

holding my tongue, unwilling to dampen the young

enthusiasm and rabid curiosity, unable to curtail

the velocity with which you hit

the slender steel stop-sign.

Now get off that couch-

I can't bear to see your wick unlit!

Sitting with empty eyes belying the guise of someone

who has seen better times. I know now as I knew then,

you will burst aflame again!

To hear the buzzing of your bee as you left,

The empty Atlesian box, the front door left unlocked,

It brought me back...

Though unshocked, I still need to remember,

To take stock of everything that we've taught her;

She is, after all, her mother's daughter...

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