The Burden of Loss

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A V9 poem from Ruby, to herself and her team

Give me back their lives for this sorrow!

An endless punishment for dropping from existence, ripping and pulling

this vast thin emptiness soaked in defeat, a first-row seat

near-drowning in the mere dirt that falls

from the graves of those I've lost.

How can any of you love me?

How can any of you hold me near?

When all I've done is lose what's dear.

How can I lead, and where to?

This isn't the destiny I wanted for all of you...

I've given you the worst gift-

tied with two pink bows of self-sacrifice, (Bows I would have gladly tied!)

adorned with a red sash of duty, (I never thought you'd die!)

wrapped in white cloth flowing, (Tear-stained, once trimmed in grace)

set and waiting for those who survive. (I barely remember her face...)

Leave me! Go and find the way

to once again see the world I've let down-

a world slowly consuming the last fading memories of my mother,

a world where my failure costs the lives of my friends,

a world that maims my sister and hurts so many others,

a world I have no business fighting for 'til the end.

This fairy-tale I've once dreamed is a story still untold,

For courage, love, and hope are simply not enough.

We've given all and even more, no chance of growing old,

it seems that hate is loved, and Love is to be rebuffed.

For simple souls and silver eyes are just childish, meaningless stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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