Unspoken Meaning (Blake/Sun)

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Written by Blake, to Sun.

Why did you follow, or even stay?

Why spend your time on a soul so torn?

Leave me alone and please go away!

Hope deserves not to be reborn;

At least not in me- or even now!

I'm so confused and undecided;

Still deafened by past dissonance;

Misled by the love with whom I sided.

But locked our eyes became in passing,

A wink- an instant! Then gone so fast!

That first gesture everlasting, yet

No indication that you would last...

Your smile (and tail!) pulls me ever closer,

Your warmth and gaze invite me in;

As jagged light, you pierce my darkness,

And I begin to breathe again.

I try so hard to hide my nature,

Tied and bound, ashamed to be.

So easily you see, through my illusion,

And gently touch the heart of me.

I know that daily, I keep you at distance;

Afraid of loving or believing just yet,

That I can truly, find in someone,

A cherished haven, a safe Sunset...

Now inside I plead; no, pray; no, crave!

To look over and see you've not gone away;

For in all this confusion, please know and believe,

I may scream "Leave", but desperately mean "Stay!"

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