5. The First Trip From School

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SOME of the conversations in this chapter isn't word for word. I do not have that great of a memory. I remember most of the things, but I don't remember everything.


"There goes the bell," Mrs. Gibson said.
"I should probably head to practice."
"You cannot do that, Lindsay. Please stay seated and I'll be right back."

Dazed and confused, I decided to text Coach Bryant to let him know that I would be late to practice. Just as Mrs. Gibson walked in, I asked if I was able to leave.

"No, I am obligated to keep you here with the knowledge of what you shared with me," she said.
"Uh, how long will that be?"
"Lindsay, the ambulance is on their way."

Being told this, I began to freeze and panic.
"What about practice?" I asked " I can't miss practice!"
"I will text Coach John to let him know that you won't be going today."

I put my head in my hands without saying anymore.

"It's going to be okay. This is for your safety," she explained.

Five minutes pass and three paramedics and two policemen walk into the office.
"Hello, I'm Grant. I'm going to ask you a few questions. This is Adelaide and Joseph. They're my helpers," he tells me.
"Okay. Why are there policemen that don't work for school, Mrs. Gibson?"
She shrugged and Grant began to speak, "They're here to make sure we are safe as well just Incase you were to do anything bizarre."
Grant began to ask me his questions, and I can feel myself begin to breathe heavily. With this many people in one office, I was getting anxious. I keep eye contact with Mrs. Gibson as she explained to Grant what has happened with me in the last couple of months. Mrs. Gibson knew more about me than anyone would have thought, and to my surprise and others, I was okay with that. I could trust her and Dr. Barns.

Grant and Adelaide had me stand up, and they checked me for any possible weapons. Grant takes my backpack, and Adelaide picked up my ball bag.
"You ready, kid?" Grant asked.
"We're taking you to the hospital," he said.
Widening my eyes I began to ask, "I'm going alone? What about practice?"
"I'll be there with you, Lindsay," Mrs. Gibson said.
I nodded towards her as I was being told to walk.

I got into the ambulance and Grant started to take my vitals.
"Have you been in an ambulance before?" He asked.
"No, sir."
He goes through the questions he asked me before once again.

Once we arrived to the hospital, they had me walk in front of them into the ER. Grant walked up to the front counter, and he began to explain my situation.
"Is there anyone coming up for her?" asked one of the nurses.
"Her school guidance counselor is on her way," Grant explained.

I'm put into a room, and they brought in a gown for me to put on. I was not a big fan. I felt very awkward as Mrs. Gibson arrived. We sit in silence until the Doctor comes in to explain what all will happen.
"We're going to run some test, draw some blood, and do an evaluation. It isn't anything too frightening."
I nod and he walks out. I lie down on the uncomfortable hospital bed and stare at the ceiling.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked Mrs. Gibson.
"No, I'm not."
More time passed by and a nurse came in to draw blood. Three times, and they got nothing. They're sending another nurse in, and she didn't get any either. One more time, and they finally got it.
Mrs. Gibson broke the silence and asked, "What foods do you like?"
I thought it was very random.
"I like green apples, green grapes, green-" I am interrupted, "You like a lot of green," she laughs.
A few hours pass and Mrs. Gibson leaves and gives me a hug. Left alone, I began to cry. My dad was sitting in the waiting room because I didn't want him in here. He doesn't like that I'm like this because he thinks it's for attention. That's great, right? I fell asleep around 10p.m., and I'm woken at 12a.m.
"Hello, I am Kaleb. I'm the guy that spoke with you earlier on the phone."
I didn't say anything. I just continued to stared at him.
"I'm going to ask you some questions, and you can continue to sleep. Okay?"
After endless questions, he got up and leaves. Right away, I fell back asleep. I was interrupted from my slumber once again by a social worker who came to ask more questions.

I wasn't completely honest with my answers. I just wanted to go home. Actually, I wanted to go to school. School is my happy place. As I am thinking about what all will take place, I hear a lady talking about my discharge. She came in to have me sign a safety plan, and I was on my way out the door at 4a.m. I was so happy to have left the hospital, but I was not happy to go home.

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