New Kid

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Of all the things in this cruel world, this is the one thing that fills you to the brim with heavy loads of hate, anger, and uncertainty.

   Hot rage and disappointment. Nerves and irritating feels of terror.

   You heave a heavy sigh as you nervously gaze up at you new home, new life, new family.

   Transfering to a different segment in The BigHit Secret Agency of Korea, also known as the BHSAK, is rare for a reason.

   It's like losing a loved part of yourself. It's like being aggressively ripped away from every precious thing you've come to know, teared from every beloved relationship, forced to create new relationships.

   You've spent your entire life, 21 years, training, living, and breathing in your old segment. It was your family. The only people who cared.

   Now that you're being transferred, you're forced to work with other people, breath new air, train and live in new surroundings. You have to get used to the moified rules and the undecipherable twists and turns of the halls, as every segment is slightly different considering the building and the rules. And the buildings are huge. Like 10 pyramids put together huge.

   You'll be so busy you won't have even the slightest chance of spending quality time with your old friends anymore. That's how horrible it is.

   The fact that the head of the organisation chose you out of hundreds of people in your segment to transfer because of a request from the head of this segment irritates you and punches you with disbelief.

   You glare at the stupid building for a second longer, in ridiculous hopes it will change something, before sluggishly dragging the invisible weights on your feet along with you as you dreadfully head towards segment 289.

   You enter the building and it looks almost exactly the same as your old building. It's just that everything is positioned in different places and, without a doubt, all the rooms and hallways lead to completely different destinations.

   Everything is painted white and shiny, constrasting with the colours illuminating from the screens that vary in sizes. Agents in black, pressed uniforms scurry about like ants, working furiously, each with their own, unique assignment.

   It appears chaotic at first glance, but the organisation ensures that every segment is very neatly organized.

   At least you hope they carry out that promise.

   You drag your heavy suitcase behind you as you walk through the place, trying your hardest to appear confident.

   You eventually find your destination after navigating for 10 minutes.

   Head's office is printed in gold on the brown, wooden surface.

   You knock three times sharply on the door, the sound of your knuckles hitting on the solid piece of wood echoing loudly through the empty hallway.

   This person must love his privacy.

   There's a faint shuffling from the other side of the door before a tall, tan figure opens it with a deafening creak.

   You can already sense something fishy about this place. Although you're not really sure if something really is fishy or if your forever raging feelings towards this place is slowly creeping into your conciousness and dominating it.

   The man is bald, probably not from hair loss but more because he purposely shaved it off. He looks about 37 and is covered in ink. Your eyes can't help but linger on the swastika (look it up) settled on his neck. You already don't like him because of that tattoo.

   On top of all of that, he's a big man. Those arms must be harder than stone itself. He could beat anything to smithereens if he wanted to.

   "Hi, I'm Agent Kang Y/N, the transfer," you introduce yourself more confidently than you thought you had the ability to in this situation.

   "Ah yes. I'm Kim Daehyun, although it's Head Kim to you. Cone in, Kang," he says, gesturing for you to enter his office.

   He seats you on a very comfortable, red cushioned couch within his office.

   This theme is completely different from the outside. In here, everything is brown and wooden, articulated with the pinch on red used to decorate the room. The paintings hanging from the walls fascinate you.

   "Now Kang, I've heard great things from your instructors. I'm very happy to have you here under my command, and I sincerely apologise for forcing you to leave your segment, although it was necessary," he says.

   That's always the excuse. It was necessary.

   Head Kim continues.

   "I also understand that you were a high ranking captain in your segment. Unfortunately, I'll have to erase that title. You will start as a soldier again under our elite group, Bangtan's command. They will also be instructing, teaching, and evaluating you. I need proof that you really deserve your old title. If I get that proof, of course, you'll immediately get it back. Also-"

   Excuse me?

   "Wait wait, why again do you have to erase my title?" you ask, feral rage bubbling up furiously inside of you. But you manage to expertly keep your tone practiced and calm. Barely.

   "I don't just let agents waltz in here and become one of my very trusted captains, Kang," he sighs, expecting your reaction.

   "But I worked hard-"

   "So have my other captains. Now you may go, take the elevator located down the hall to the 12th floor and find room 639. Scan your eyes and fingerprint to get in. That's your room. Captain Jung Hoseok will be assisting you for your first week here, he'll find you. Now go," Head Kim shoos you out of his office quickly.

   He slams the door behind you, leaving a much angrier and revolting version of you standing alone in his hallway.

   Not only did you have to get transferred, but now you're title is erased? Seriously?! Only agents starting out get the title Soldier! And you were actually born into this job against your will because your parents were former agents, so after all these years, that is plainly unfair. Not only that, but you are known to be one of the best in your segment. What is this? This burning rage is something you've never felt before, and it's something you never thought you'd have to feel.

   You stomp to the elevator down the hallway like Head Kim said to do, and follow the rest of his instructions like a lifeless zombie until you locate your room.

   You look into the small scanner nestled under the metal doorknob and it lights from blue to green. You then place your pointer finger on to the same scanner and watch as it lights green once again.

   You hear a click as the door unlocks, so you proceed to twist the doorknob and peer inside. It looks identical to your old room, even the placement of everything is the same.

   Everything, from the walls to the sheets are white. You're lucky enough, once again, to get a room on the top floor that houses a sunroof, allowing all the bright daylight outside to seep through and brighten your room.

   You place your charcoal suitcase on the fluffy, white, king sized bed before dropping down heavily right beside it in exhaustion.

   How are you going to survive?



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