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"I think I'm seeing things," Jin squints as your group trudges through the dark forest in your matching, stolen jumpsuits retrieved from the prison.

"That's the hundredth time you've said that, Hyung," Jungkook says in an annoyed manner. He walks in front of you and you can't help but stare at his broad back, how the muscles move with every step he takes. The thoughts going through your head evidently sets your cheeks on fire and you immediately cover them in a subtle way.

Not the time, Y/N.

"But I really think I see a light. How do you not see it?" Jin fights back with a pout.

"Because you're a crazy idiot," Jen scoffs.

You internally roll your eyes at the thought of the two bickering once again, and it makes your head pound furiously. You don't want to ever go through that again. You let out a frustrated sigh, hoping to make a point, when in the corner of your eye, something catches your eye. Light. Jin was right after all.

"Guys, why don't you open your eyes before making fun of Jin? Do you not see that?" You ask, pointing in the direction of that luminous, blue light bouncing off the trees, so far away that if you hadn't had the unbelievable luck to spot it, you would have passed right by it.

"Not you too, Y/N. I told you to sleep well didn't I? Not lie down and pretend to sleep," Jen groans.

"Jen, stop trying to disagree with Jin about everything just because you feel good acting like a childish couple. Look at where Y/N's pointing," Taeyong sighs.

Everyone actually turns their heads in unison towards the light now, and their eyes widen.

"I told you," Jin huffs.

"You want a trophy?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, if it's real gold. Also, how do you keep raising your eyebrow like that? Like without your fingers, it's so hard-"

"Shouldn't we be going towards that light instead of talking? There might be civilization, and that means the others may be there," Haechan says, looking restless for an unknown reason. He's been acting quite suspicious lately.

"Yes, that's exactly what we should do. Let's go," Jungkook says as he starts to head towards that light.

The others, including you, follow behind. You notice Jungkook turning around and taking a look behind him, his curious eyes stopping in yours for just a split second before turning back around.


But it's the reason why your heart rate is increasing so rapidly inside your chest.


"It's a city alright," You say weakly, eyeing the crushing sight in front of you in surprise.

It's not even a city anymore. The buildings are only large piles of concrete and musk. The cars, only squashed pieces of metal and shattered glass. Streetlamps shattered, roads bombed into nothing. Smoke pollutes the air and travels at an alarming speed, obviously the result of fire. What caused all that fire remains a mystery, as the city is dead as night, no life left to tell what happened. It's like there was a zombie apocalypse.

"A city that's obviously housed Thanos for a few days," Jin whispers.

Everyone looks at him in disgusts.

"You need to stop," Namjoon says, a look of disgust plastered on his features.

"Guys, not the time," you say in a much sterner voice than you originally intended, making everyone jump. They all look towards you, and the look Jungkook's giving you isn't making anything better.

Taeyong and Jen walk up to you, every step seeming to make them bigger and bigger, as you cower,wondering what they're going to do. Their faces look extremely serious.

"Did you just use the captain tone on us?" Taeyong says in a brooding voice.

You gulp, the sound loud in your ears.

You open your mouth, trying to form an answer, but absolutely nothing comes out. Your time as a fake soldier really took your confidence away. No matter how hard you search for it, it's no where to be found, and is probably lying in a  deep ditch somewhere, where you can't reach for it. The old Y/N is almost completely gone, and it's all that man's fault.

You're still trying to come up with a legitimate excuse for using the tone you promised to stop using towards your friends, when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"A captain does what she feels is right for her soldiers. If raising her voice is necessary, she should, don't you think?" Jungkook says in a deadly tone right by your ear.

"Okay, you, whoever you are, stay out of our business. Unless you want to admit that you two are dating which is something you obviously won't do, judging by how serious and grandpa-y you act, it's actually very creepy and you need to stop." Jen says, but then she pauses and a look of confusion flashes over he face.

"Wait, what was I saying again?"

Taeyong throws Jen a glare.

"Can you not act stupid for just one day?" He asks her.

Jen sticks her tongue out playfully.

"Not going to happen."

"Can you guys just stop? Everywhere we go, you just stop and waste all our time talking about useless things. Can we go?" A voice suddenly says, and you all turn around to find a flustered Haechan looking angry but almost scared at the same time.

"Um, Hyuck? Are you okay? You've been really off since we hot kidnapped. Did something happen?" You ask worriedly.

"His head probably just got hit too hard. But you'll be fine. Right?" Taeyong says, trapping Haechan's head in his arm and playfully messing up his hair.

"Yes, yes," Haechan says quickly, breaking free from Taeyong's grasp and fixing his hair.

Well, attempting to anyway. All of your hair is messed up and, undoubtedly, very dirty. His is no exception.

You're about to say something else regarding his still suspicious behaviour, when, out of the blue, the ear deafening gunshots go off, ringing in your ears and through the smoky sky.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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