I'm Not a Stalker

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I'm walking back down the hall to check on that new, sketchy agent, Kang. I honestly don't expect to find her training. It's been two hours since I left her. If she really is a soldier, there's a very low chance she isn't sleeping soundly on the ground right now. Unless she's very lucky and just happened to get up and start training when I reach her.

I mean, that's what I expect. She might be good, but no one's better than me.

I really didn't like that girl from the start. But that isn't a surprise, I don't like anyone. I only trust my close group of friends, that's it.

Although as I spent more time with her, I started seeing the signs. She's definitely not just a soldier. And she continues to prove that my suspicions are right more and more every day.

He skill, her ambition, her courage, her figure, even her personality.

But why would she be a newly transferred soldier? Transfers just don't happen like that. And how would she not be at least an elite soldier? It has to have something to do with Head Kim. There'a no other explanation.

My suspicions about him have just been going over the roof lately, but my friends keep telling me that I'm overthinking it.

I'm not.

That man isn't who he appears to be, and I have proof. It's just not solid proof.

I finally reach the window  looking into the training room, and what I see shocks me. Literally.

Hoseok is sitting on a bench, almost drooling all over his lap. His chin is resting on his hand and he's just staring in awe. It's like he isn't even there anymore, and I don't blame him. I bet I look the same as I take in Y/N's sweaty, feminine but muscular figure panting as she expertly and agiley winds through the obstacle course that took me forever to get through safely.

I can tell she's struggling, but she's pushing through, pushing herself. Y/N's on the last obstacle now, and it's only been two hours.

Bish how?

The only way onto the course is from either the beginning or the end, but it's obvious she didn't start from the end.

She had taken off her maroon top, only wearing a black sports bra and revealing her nicely formed abs. Her wet hair is plastered on her forehead and neck, and her face is full of exhaustion. All her skin is soaked in a sheet of glistening sweat, and thoughts I shouldn't be thinking and are, without a doubt, consuming Hobi's mind, enter my mind.

I slap myself.

What the hell? You're such a creep, Jungkook.

I continue to watch as her biceps flex in order to pull herself up from the last monkey bar and onto the last and final platform on top. She grins in satisfaction and gracefully slips down the ladder.

I start to feel a little bit of lust. Not many people know, but I'm just the kind of guy who gets an attractive girl from this base in bed, then I just throw her away with no emotion. Yes, call me a fuckboy, but that's just who some of my friends and I are.

I'm actually considering doing her until I realize something. She's lying about who she is. What if she's a spy? Or one of Head Kim's lackeys? If she is, then they must be very stupid. I mean, her cover is horrible.

I watch as Hoseok stands up and claps wildly, looking like an absolute idiot. He's fallen way too hard. Y/N grabs a towel and starts walking over to Hoseok, wiping her face.

I subtly shift my feet to avoid getting a cramp when her head suddenly snaps towards me. She obviously sees my figure and sends an annoyed scowl my way. Then she quickly attempts to hide it with a small tilt up of her lips.

Yup. Really bad cover.

I walk over to the training room door and set my face into the usual before pushing the door open.

Y/N's already glaring at me and Hoseok jumps around in surprise.

"Jungkook, did you see that? Y/N completed the course in two hours! She's better than you!" Hoseok exclaims.

His smile quickly fades and in it's place settles regret.

He winces, anticipating an angry outburst from me.

"Um, w-what I meant to say was-" he starts.

"Jung Hoseok." I snap, "Why the hell are you acting like a squirrel? I'm your best friend and we tease each other all the time. You're acting like I'm going to rip your guts out.

Y/N raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"You're not angry at him for saying you're not the best?" she says.

"He's like my brother, and it's not like he isn't speaking the truth. I'm not the best," I sigh, annoyed. "Now... I want you to go do chin-ups until I say you can stop.

She pouts in thought before tilting her head.

"Can I rest first?" It doesn't look like she actually really wants the break, but she's asking anyway because... well, who doesn't like a break?

"No," I say in my menacing, cold voice that I just love to scare people with.

She just rolls her eyes and starts heading towards the bars.

"Fine," she mutters.

"Captain Jung and I will be checking up on you in a few hours," I say, heading towards the door.

"What? No, I want to stay here," Hoseok says.

"Come with me, it's an order," I say.

I put my hand on the door handle and turn around to find Hoseok pouting.

I lift an eyebrow.

"Really?" I ask.

He sighs and slouches in defeat.

"Alright, alright," he starts moving towards me.

I'm internally grinning but externally lies a scowl, just for Y/N.

I look over to find her already starting on her chin-ups with ease before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

As I pass by the window again, I find Y/N still doing chin-ups, but with one hand.

I let out a little chuckle, thankful that Hoseok has stormed away far enough to be out of earshot.

I don't really know what the chuckle was for. I guess I was kind of surprised and amused at the same time.

Either way, though, I need to investigate this girl. I can't fall for her charms, and I certainly can't let her pull me in. I'm better than that. She's obviously here for something, and it can't be anything good. I have to keep my eyes and ears open, and watch her every move.

I'm not a stalker.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊  [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now