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Eventually, whether you like it or not, you arrive at the familiar, wooden door.

You slowly hit three sharp knocks and it opens immediately. You see the same sick grin you saw when you heard about the story of someone's son being murdered in cold blood by his own father.

"Come in, Kang," he says.

You slowly force every step into the room and sit down on one of his filthy chairs in front of his desk.

Head Kim sits across from you.

His grin grows wider as you stare at him with a straight, cold face.

"I have your first victim," he says, pushing a file across the desk."I want you to kill him during Formal, he'll be there. I want him dead by the end of the night. The details are inside."

You open the file and immediately regret it. Tears threaten to fall as your vision begins to blur. Because inside that box, the stupid box where the victim's face is always printed, lies the face of one of your best friends. One of the few people in the world that you trust. The person who treated you like a sister.

"Taeyong," you whisper.

"Ah, yes. He works in your old segment, you may know him-"

"Please, I'm begging you-" you start.

"No. Kill this young man, because if you don't he'll die anyways. I will find someone to kill him, but not only that. You, your father, your mother, the rest of your friends-"

You stand up abruptly, knocking your chair over.

"Thank you, I know what I have to do," you say as you rush out of the room.

You don't even know where you're going. You just allow your feet to move you as tears fall like a waterfall down your face.

Taeyong. I can't kill him. I won't kill him. What the hell am I going to do? Just the thought...

You continue to break down with every step you take.

Eventually you stop at a door. You're unsure where the door leads to until you knock on it. A familiar figure answers it, and you're absolutely relieved, for some reason, that's he's in his room and not training or doing some sort of work.

Without even thinking, you rush towards him and wrap your arms around his firm waist, burying your face into his chest while your tears stain his shirt.

"I want to talk now. Please talk to me, please," you mumble. If you were in your right mind, you would never even touch this filth, but this is a time of crisis. And during that time of crisis, your legs led you to this door.

A shocked Jungkook pats you on the back awkwardly.

"O-okay. Calm down, Y/N, what happened? Here, come in," he says softly, tugging you further into his room. He closes the door and attempts to lead you to his table, but you refuse to go that far and you end up sitting on his bed instead.

Jungkook pulls away from you and looks you into the eyes.

"What happened?" he asks. Does he actually care? Or does he just want answers?

Oh who gives a goat.

"H-he's crazy. He's making me lie about who I am, trying to nake m-me a 'super soldier' by demoting me and making me train all over again! He wants me to kill all agents 24 and under or he'll kill mom and dad and my first target is my best friend. I c-can't kill him, Jungkook, I can't."

You start to sob uncontrollably once again.

"Shh," Jungkook hushes you, pulling you back into a hug and resuming back to his back rubbing.

"Now you decide to tell me. I'll help you, alright? I'll do everything in my power to help you, it's going to be okay," he says.

"Why are you helping me?" you whisper.

He hesitates.

"Because I can't kill my brothers either," he replies.

You calm down a bit and the path to your brain unclogs a little. You pull away.

"Just so you know, I would have gone to Hoseok. I only came to you because your the only one who kind of knows about everything," you say.

He smirks.

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm not kidding!" you scoff.

"So you like Hoseok?" he asks.

You look at him in disbelief.

"No! He's just way nicer! He doesn't force people to do chin-ups right before a mission and he's been kind to me since day one even though he doesn't know me-"

"Because he likes you, stupid," Jungkook says.

You stand up.

"Don't call me stupid, and no he doesn't. You just can't tell the difference between being friendly and liking someone romantically because you've never tried it!" you say, storming towards the door.

"You'll see, Y/N. I'm always right. Hey, where are you going? Don't you need my help?"

You stop, your back still facing Jungkook.

"Tell me your plan," you say.

"I... I don't have a plan," he says sheepishly.

"Great," you mumble as you start stalking towards the door again.

"Wait! We should tell the guys and-"

You spin around.

"Telling the guys is going to get them killed, stupid."

"Why don't we just find your parents and everyone close to you and keep then safely away? Then we tell everyone the sicko's plan. We need more people with us to do that. Plus, how many people do you think would follow that guy, anyways?" Jungkook crosses his arms across his chest.

"The formal's in just a few days, how are we going to do that?" you ask.

"That's exactly why we need to tell the guys! Namjoon's the keeper of one of the most intelligent brains ever, we need him!" Jungkook exclaims throwing his arms in the air for effect.

You sigh.

This is not the Jungkook you knew from before.

"Fine, but if they die, it's not my problem. But if he kills your friends then proceeds to hurt the people I love, then I'll give you a slow death. You go and tell them, I need to go back to my room and bawl my eyes out for another solid hour because I know this will all fail and go to sh*t," you say, finally leaving Jungkook's room and going into yours, doing exactly what you said you would before, eventually, falling into a deep sleep.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊  [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now