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When you're dressed in a black training jacket, a black tank top, black jeans, and the same training shoes, you rush downstairs for dinner, despite the aching pain bolting through your body.

Yes, only your arms were really required to do chin-ups, but cramps and exhaustion exist.

Yes, you should be taking it easy and resting, but wanna know something that beats everything and only ties to sleep?


And this time, you have chosen food over sleep.

Your stomach grumbles loudly, sending shuddering vibrations throughout your whole body.

That extra training really was something.

You enter the cafeteria, buzzing with conversation, as all the agents excluding those on missions are happily munching on their dinners.

You grab some food, which actually looks quite delicious, and hear a faint, familiar voice calling your name.

You turn around to find captain Jung waving you over with a huge grin overtaking his beautiful face.

You smile and walk over, taking the empty seat beside him, which thankfully, is on the opposite side of the table as Captain Jeon.

Everyone greets you.

"Hey Y/N! Are you happy you get to see my handsome face again?" Captain Kim Seokjin says.

"How many times do we have to talk about this?" Captain Park groans in complaint.

"Oh, get used to it already," Captain Kim Seokjin snaps in annoyance.

You let out a small giggle.

"Why is she sitting with us again?" Captain Jeon grumbles almost angrily.

"Because she can. Why the heck do you hate Y/N so much?" Captain Kim Namjoon asks.

Captain Jeon just grunts in response.

"Soo.. how was your extra training?" Captain Kim Taehyung asks.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You guys should have seen her! Even Jungkook was shook! She finished the obstacle course in two hours!" Captain Jung exclaims happily.

The statement makes sleepy Captain Min look up in interest.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same obstacle course?" he asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Hah, you can still barely do it Yoongi. You should be embarrassed," Captain Kim Namjoon teases.

"Oh shut up, I'm just too lazy to try. And you broke the first obstacle the first time you tried," Captain Min growls.

"Aww yoongles, it's ok. Not all of us are Jungkook and now apparently Y/N," Captain Park laughs.

Your face burns from embarrassment.

"Ohh and also is it true, Jungkook, that you made
Y/N do chin-ups for two hours straight and she actually did it? Because that's just cruel. Like medusa cruel," Captain Jung says.

"That's why you were getting your food funny! Jungkook, what is wrong with you?" Captain Kim Taehyung asks.

Captain Jeon's eyes mercilessly shoots darts at you.

"It was a punishment," he simply says.

"What, for disrespecting you? Oh my God, is Kookie insecure?" Captain Kim Namjoon asks.

Captain Jeon throws a death stare in Namjoon's direction, causing him to shrivel back.

Captain Jeon opens his mouth, undoubtly ready to say a very nasty comment back, but a loud announcement over the base's speakers interrupts your conversation.

Would all elite group members and their trainees please report to the prep room. A mission is waiting.

Murmurs erupt throughout the room as people you saw earlier from this morning start to leave the room.

The boys at your table look at each other before standing up.

"Time for your first mission here, Y/N," Captain Park smiles.

You follow the crowd, eventually ending up in a room that looks similar to your old prep room. As you discover more rooms that resemble your forever loved, past home, you sink more and more into a sea of comfort. At least some things haven't changed too much.

You watch as agents quickly gear up, doing the same yourself.

When you're finished, extra weapons hidden in your uniform, you join the gathered group surrounding the one and only Head Kim.

He's wearing a dress suit with a jacket that covers that gut wrenching, horrendous tattoo.

When all the agents are gathered, he clears his throat and speaks.

"Thank you, agents, for showing up at such an unexpected time. A very important weapon has been stolen from a very important man. I need a team to guard his lab, and another team to retrieve the weapon back. Here's the plan..."

Yup. You work for an illegal organization. It's not like you had a choice. You were brought into this dangerous world with this life superglued to your forehead.

Head Kim continues to make plans, giving everyone tasks, instructions, and coordinates. You listen very intently in fear that you might miss an important piece of information.

One thing nags and tickles your precious conciousness throughout the entire meeting, though.

Captain Jeon is in your group.

You shake your head, trying to rid him from your thoughts.

Pesky fly.

In just a few hours, everything is done and the agents are heading out in their pitch black, tainted windowed vans.

This is going to be interesting.

Sorry this was a really bad chapter. But I'll make it up with the next one, I promise 💜.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊  [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now