1. Alexis

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Alex was going through hell as far as school life was concerned. Why did it have to be so stressful? Matter of fact, was it really important to begin with? No, she didn't think so. Did that hinder her from attending it like society deemed fit? No it didn't. After all, she was an upright girl and education was at the top of her goals, or so she thought. She didn't always hate school, her impressive grades were an indication of that.

She had been a top student since kindergarten. Was this a result of hard studying and hardwork? Not really. She was one of those kids born smart or as she liked to describe herself merely lucky. Looking back at highschool and the early years,it was safe to say it had been friends and familiarity that made school fun. After all, the early school life was in the vicinity of her home town where everyone knew everyone. So it was never the studying part that was fun.

Nevertheless, all these thoughts came by in the third year of college. Like all aspiring kids out there,she was all happy, hopeful, ambitious and all the good things at the beginning. Now looking back at that girl, the one who had been full of energy, it was a sad laughable memory. That girl was soo dead, gone and gone for good.

In the morning of one cold July in 2013, Alex was on her way to college for the first time. It was freezing but that was not interfering with her happy bliss. She was epic, so excited to embark on a new journey. It would be the first time that she'd be away from her family and home on her own for a long time.
She was actually happy to be leaving her home town. She'd spent her entire childhood there and it was time to expand her horizons.

She was all alone in the cab, her mother being at work and her sisters all too busy to accompany her. As if she'd want any of them to ruin her moment. Coming from the most dysfunctional family ever, Alexis didn't mind their absence.

She had done her research on Nabi university and the city of Masi exclusively. Ever since her acceptance letter had arrived at the beginning of the year, she had been dedicated to finding out all that was relevant and boy,she was so ready. The fact that Nabi university was one of the best the country had to offer was also a dream come true for her. All that didn't prepare her for the beauty enfolding as the cab entered the outskirts of the city.

Masi city, the capital of their great nation was simply beautiful. The various images on the internet didn't do it justice. She rolled down the window and allowed her lungs to inhale the sweet breeze that blew in.

The talkative cab driver had taken the reins of being a tour guide, pointing out the different buildings and streets as if she needed any of that. She'd appreciate silence but she just nodded and went along with it. Chatty uber drivers should have a special place in hell. 😃

"We're here miss." The driver said jolting Alex back to the present from her wandering eyes. She took in the massive architecture that was the school and the tiniest bit of fear creeped in. It was enormous, gigantic even.

Alex was not one to be intimidated, she never allowed insignificant things such as fear rule over her. She alighted the cab, payed the driver and dragged her bags towards the security guys, ready to embark on her new journey.

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