2. College

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It was 2 pm and Alex was tired. They'd been here since morning, filling in thousands of documents and moving from office a to b. What was the need of all the information sent before hand if it was going to be done all again? Alex couldn't fathom it but at least she wasn't alone. All the new students were doing the same.

Currently everyone was seated in this hall room waiting to be assigned their specific rooms. The big spacious room was filled to brim. There were so many people that Alex couldn't care to estimate the number. It was noisy, which she couldn't understand since everyone was new. The guy seated next to her had tried to start a conversation but she had shunned it down quickly. She couldn't stand small talks and after the names and mentioning the home towns they were from ,she'd seen no need of further talks with the stranger.

The lady who'd introduced herself as Shamilla was calling out names and handing out keys and a map of the school layout. Alex was soo not liking this Shamilla,who named their child that anyway? She was taking too long with the list and Alex was ready to pull her hair out. Dragging her bags back and forth and adding that to the four hours drive was taking a troll on her. She was also hungry, so damn hungry.

The room was thinning out and Adie or whatever the guy had introduced himself as, had already left and still her name wasn't called out. Alex was afraid of being paired to a crazy person but knowing her luck she wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

They were down to ten people, four guys and six girls remaining including herself. Two of the girls were seated at the far right talking animatedly, most probably acquainted already. On the front row was a blue haired girl facing the front. Alexis couldn't see her face but she could see the clothes she'd worn or the lack of them to be precise. She'd been on her phone the entire time and other than the fierce hair Alex couldn't tell much. The last two girls we're all cuddled up at the other corner with the guys talking amongst themselves.

"Shelly Brandon, Alexis Stevens room 51". The monotonous voice jolted her back to the present and she sighed gratefully ready to escape the room. All eyes turned to her as she walked to the front dragging her bags noisily. She looked for the Shelly that she was being paired to but nobody else had stood. "Are you Shelly Brandon?" The Lady asked raising her eyes from the list on her hands. "No my name is Alexis" she answered. The lady proceeded to click her mouth distastefully and call out the names again. "Who is Shelly, we don't have all day?!!". Her loud voice echoed in the room and the girl with the blue hair raised her eyes from the phone and stood up abruptly.

"I am so sorry, I was a bit distracted. My name's Shelly Brandon" she said walking towards the front desk. "Both of you are in room 51,east wing near the open cafeteria". She handed them keys and maps and with that turned back to the others and continued calling out names.

"It seems like we're gonna be roommates. I'm Shelly, nice to meet you". Alexis turned to the girl and took her in as they began exiting the room. "It appears so, I'm Alexis but you can call me Alex, pleasure meeting you. I like you hair." Alex said truthfully, and as much as it was all bold and something she wouldn't do herself, it was gorgeous and articulated well with the beauty that the girl was. "Thanks, I just dyed it last week in preparation to coming here, my parents didn't like it much". Alex joined in her laughter imagining how her own mother would be horrified if it was her.

They were following the school layout and their destination seemed to be at the far east and both girls were dreadful of the long walk. Alex looked at the huge bags that the other girl was dragging and eased a little bit on the inside. At least she didn't have that much to drag and her two medium sized bags weren't that heavy.

"Well let's get moving Shelly, shall we? I don't know about you but am so ready to take a shower and lie down" Alex told her and together they walked towards their new dorm.

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