26. Grey

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                Alex's POV

Standing in front of the mirror, I applied mascara and some lip gloss dreading the evening ahead. This was all the make-up he was getting, I thought mentally still annoyed at the guy waiting in the living room. I couldn't believe he successfully bullied me to attending the party. He was something else. Grabbing my phone, I headed out after having him wait for me long enough.

"Welcome back, I've only been waiting for about a century nothing much. Thanks for finally gracing me with your presence." I rolled my eyes at his stupid attempt of a bow. I normally didn't take long to get ready but I'd done it today to spite him. It's the least he could pay after the stunt he'd pulled. "Let's get going before I change my mind." I took my keys switching of the lights and locking the door.

"I'll just have to persuade you more, I'm quite good at that." Getting into the driver's seat he said looking pleased with himself. Glaring I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today. I'll have to sneak out later, maybe get a cab home when he's not looking. The drive was silent leaving me with thoughts that revolved the guy sitting next to me. I didn't know what to expect having not been to his place.

20 minutes later, we pulled up in a nice neighborhood, and his house was easy to spot, what with the blasting music. Jumping out I joined him as we crossed the distance to the house. There were people outside, standing and others sitting holding red cups and talking loudly on top of the music. "Welcome to my place." Shouting over the noise he tagged me inside.

The inside was far worse than the outside. The furniture had been cleared to give space. The room that seemed to be the living room had been transformed into a dancing floor. People were everywhere and as Jace dragged me to the kitchen I could feel my anxiety start to kick in. The colored lights were also not helping.

'Beer or vodka?" Opening the fridge he turned to me with both options on either side. I took the beer and putting the vodka back he grabbed a beer for himself as well. Sipping my beer I followed him outside. It was going to be a long night and my only hope was that I succeeded in ditching him and escape. Taking my hand he pulled me to the opposite side where a number of guys were standing and talking loudly.

"Hey bro happy birthday." Letting go of my hand he embraced the guy that had to be the birthday boy. "Grey this is Alex. Alex,Grey and friends." Feeling six pairs of eyes turn to me I offered a small smile. "Hi, and happy birthday Grey." I waved with all the enthusiasm I could master. I was not a
particularly shy person but I still didn't like attention. "Bro, you never mentioned that she was this beautiful, not good Jace." Yea talking about me as if I was not there, I rolled my eyes at that.

Grey was not bad to look at. At probably 6ft he was towering beyond the other guys. Seeing Jace joke and laugh with the others was an interesting thing to watch. I'd never seen him interact with other people and I was glad to see his charm still on effect. Withdrawing slowly I left them to their conversation that had turned to women and headed back inside.

Getting another beer from the kitchen, I discarded the finished can and walked around. I could do with watching people though the close proximity wasn't pleasant. Within the first 2 hours, some guy had spilled alcohol on me, I'd downed four beers, someone had stepped on me, just the usual. I was plotting my escape when I went to get a fifth beer. Having evaded Jace since ditching him with his friends I assumed it wouldn't be hard.

The house was nice having walked around and though I hadn't seen the entire inside, I'd counted three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a parlor and two bathrooms. Going through the backdoor, I walked to the pool where there were few people. Spying a bench at the far corner, I started towards it where I could hide for a few more minutes.

"Someone have been hiding from me." Hearing his voice in my ear I jumped slightly at the intrusion. Sitting down next to me, he was holding a red cup with what I assumed was vodka. He looked tipsy. "I'm just enjoying the party. It's why you dragged me here isn't it?" I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes but hiding in the corner isn't what I meant by enjoying." He's lazy smile was contagious and I had to hold mine back.

"Let's go inside, I'll show you around." Standing up he snatched my hand without giving me an option out. "Aren't you bossy today Mr." I asked allowing him to lead the way. "Well with you it's necessary, it's not like you'll do anything willingly." Chuckling he replied knowing the truth in his words. Going through the kitchen we walked through the hallway towards the closed doors.

"You've already seen the living room and the kitchen, this first bedroom is vacant, our guests crash here." Opening the door he let me inside. It was a plain room with a queen size bed with white sheets and the lamps on the sides. Closing the door we walked to the next. "This one is Grey's and now this is mine." Stopping at the one standings alone on the left he beckoned me inside.

The room was bigger than the first one with a light blue colour coating the walls. The bed was a king size with white sheets. There was a desk near the window with various books and a laptop. His guitar was standing near the desk and there was a door on the other side to what I assumed was a closet. "So this is my room, not much but it suits me." Shrugging he sat on the bed while I took the chair at the table.

It was good to be away from the noise for a little bit. "Its not bad." I replied still looking around. It was more organised than I'd anticipated, even better than mine. With my beer at hand we settled to a comfortable silence.

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