14. Disaster

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           School had become unbearable for Alex. Between visiting her dad and missing most classes she could not understand why she even bothered. Her dad's health was not improving despite all the doctors reassurances. It was becoming extremely hard every time she left his place. Jenny, the angel sent from above had quit her job to take care of him 24/7. Alex had volunteered to be the one doing that but neither of them were having it.
Maria had gone to see him a couple of times but ended up breaking down all the time. Alex didn't think it was good for their dad and had told her to either compose herself or stop coming. She had not seen her since then. In the two months since his first admission, he had been in and out of the hospital a lot of times. Janice and Samantha had visited him at the hospital not saying much and huddled together like chicken.
According to her mother, she did not find it appropriate to visit him at his place where the "other woman" was.  Alex had said noting to that. Dave had remained calm and positive throughout the in and out of hospital expeditions, and Alex was so proud of him. She was determined to stay strong for him and not let him see her tears.
By the end of year 3, Alex had fallen so much behind in class work that she didn't bother attending anymore. The administration had called her mother, who had proceeded to give her an earful lecture on school importance and life values as if any of that mattered at that point. Her relationship with her mother had deteriorated so badly that Alex had eventually blocked her number all together.
 These days she was at his dad's place all the time. With how badly he was faring, he needed constant attention. The doctors had long given up on chemotherapy and were only giving medication to numb the pain. He was in a lot of pain and as much as she was trying to be strong for him, it was killing her on the inside.
Every now and then the doctor would drop by to examine him since he was too weak to be taken to the hospital. The times when Alex fed him,mostly soup were the moments they'd talk. With alot of pillows,together with Jenny they'd help him into a sitting position. 
"I've lived for 50 years and the best thing was having and raising you into a beautiful young woman. I have my regrets and successes but nothing can compare to the gift of being your father. Now don't get me wrong, I love all your sisters but I'll say this only once, am happy you didn't turn out to be like your mother." Alex couldn't help but smile at his words. They both knew Susan was not the nicest person. "I never understood what attracted you to her, and saying that out loud makes me feel like a terrible person, with her being my mother and all." If there's one person that Alex could tell anything it was her dad.
"Don't feel bad about it but don't let her hear you say that else you'll never get to the end of it. She was not always like that, I don't know what happened. It's like she turned into this awful person overnight." There was sadness in his voice, not for himself as Alex observed, but at the woman she had once loved who had managed to destroy a good family.
"I'm glad you found Jenny, she's the most amazing kindhearted person I've ever met. Is it bad that I wish she was my mother?" Alexis had genuinely wished it were true. "Jenny is a good person, I'm happy to have found her though I wish she didn't have to see me like this. I don't deserve her and she has been with me throughout this." Dave had remained strong all along and seeing tears in his eyes was heart breaking for Alex.
  "Don't say that dad, you're a good person and you both deserve each other. She's happy to help out and once you get better you'll spend more time with her." Alexis didn't like seeing his dad sad,he was the most amazing person ever and it was unfair that he had to be the sick one. She'd happily change places if she could.
Even with his state, Alex was still hopping a miracle would happen. After all, she'd read about cancer survivors and she was certain her dad would be one of them. He had to get better, she needed him.
One evening,when it was her time to watch him through the night, everything went south. She was planning on reading and she'd brought a cup of tea to the room to keep her warm. Her dad's medication had been increased when the pain was too much so she expected him to be sleeping when she entered the room. His breathing was what got her attention as it was heavy and laboured, and there was sweat on his forehead. Rushing quickly to his side, Alexis found his face burning with fever and frantically started calling out for Jenny.
Straight panicking she was running out to look for her phone while still shouting for Jenny. Quickly dialling for emergency she requested for an ambulance having to repeat three times to get the address right.

Rushing back to the room, Jenny was already there with a wet cloth trying to contain the fever. Dave was still not opening his eyes or saying anything and they were both panicking. 20 minutes later with Alex openly crying, the ambulance arrived and quickly got his dad an oxygen mask and put him in the vehicle. Still in their pajamas they accompanied him to the hospital, where he was rushed inside and they were left at the waiting area.

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