4. Shelly

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    Shelly was a ball of energy as Alex observed. She was 20 years old from the south. She was an only child, born to a lawyer father and a mother who was a doctor. She had taken time off after highschool all in part of the rebellion she was rallying against her parents. They wanted her to study law following in the father's footsteps but Shelly wasn't having any of that.
Having lived a sheltered life of close inspection all her life,upon the legal age she was determined to take back the reins of her own life, be it by dying her hair blue or spending her parents money travelling and for unnecessary things.
Alex was intrigued by the new girl. Being introverted herself the high spirits that was Shelly was like a new project. She couldn't help but listen to the non stop talking that the girl had going on. She was surprised to see that she actually didn't mind it at all. Alexi had always been a silence loving girl since she could remember. She was not one for words. Lot of words were unnecessary and brought nothing but problems. She had learnt that early enough.
Shelly had two cousins in the school already as she was saying, and couldn't wait to introduce them to Alex. She had also been to the university numerous times before, so she was a bit familiar with the surroundings. Considering the enormity that the school was, Alex was grateful for being paired to someone who at least knew their way around. Knowing her skills in finding directions or lack of them, she'd never find classes on her own.
The boarding mistress Shamilla, had given them instructions to collect their class schedules after settling in. Being on a friday they had time over the weekend to do that since classes commenced on Monday. Alexis wanting to do away with the task as early as possible suggested they go get them and be done.
Pulling on a tank top and some dark jeans, Alex collected her long locks that was her hair into a ponytail. Having decided to lock her hair on her last year of highschool she couldn't believe how fast it had grown. The locks were almost down to her back and she couldn't wait to schedule a trip to the salon. She needed to cut it halfway for easier maintenance.
"Your hair is so long and pretty, I wouldn't be able to manage that." Shelly remarked. Alex would only think of the hassle that was washing it. "I plan on cutting it to the shoulders soon,it's high maintenance that I don't have time for with all the classes that we'll be taking". She said as she waited while the other girl finished on her make up. Shelly was a true beauty and as she changed into a tiny short and tiny top as well Alex would only be amazed at how effortlessly she pulled the look. She could tell that they were going to be good friends.
Getting through the halls full of people going up and down was a nightmare. Alexis didn't hate people but crowds and close contact gave her anxiety. Shelly on the other side was oblivious of the chaos enfolding and seemed to be in her element. The two girls made their way through the numerous students, bumping shoulders till they made it outside.         

After collecting their schedules they made it to the cafeteria where the crowd had thinned out. Looking at the options available, Alexis opted for a chicken burger where as Shelly got a salad.
Alexis had decided on English as her major long before graduating highschool. As she went through the assigned classes, she couldn't help but groan at the numerous classes she was to partake. She could already tell that the playful highschool life was nothing compared to the studying that was going to be happening in this place. Shelly on the other hand had an interest in interior design, and looking at the girl seated across her, Alex couldn't think of any better course that'd suit her.
Leaving the cafeteria Alex left for the dorms to get the long awaited nap, while Shelly went in search of her cousins. Let college life begin.

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