25. It's party time!

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                 Jake's POV

Grey, my roommate was throwing a party at the house today. He was turning 30 and he was going all out. The problem was that it was on a friday, the day I went to see Alex. I was having an internal crisis. On one side I didn't want to miss my best friend's birthday. I'd be a douche if I was not to be present. On the other hand I didn't want to miss hanging out with Alex, it had become an addiction spending time with her, not that I was complaining.

I'd tried to invite her to the party but she'd turned the offer down, not that I wasn't expecting that. She didn't like being around people especially strangers. Making up my mind, I grabbed my phone and headed out. There was still time before the party started and I'd helped set up the place. I was going to drag her here in the literal sense, I chuckled silently predicting how the conversation would go down.

Getting into Grey's car,I drove along the familiar road to the opposite side of the town. After getting lost the first time, I'd taken caution and was now familiar with the area. Living near my workplace, I'd not seen any need to get a car of my own so I just used Grey's every now and then.

The sun was setting down when I pulled over at her place. Knowing she was probably still sleeping, I rang the doorbell consistently just to annoy her. I knew how much she hated loud noises but seeing her angry and glaring at me was so cute. I just couldn't help myself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, are you on a mission to turn me deaf?" Opening the door she stood with hands akimbo glaring at me with so much annoyance. "Good evening to you too, I'm doing good thanks for asking." I replied sarcastically with the biggest grin on my face. Looking at her half opened eyes, she had definitely been sleeping and I'd done the unforgivable by waking her up. I was enjoying this way too much.

"What do you want at this time, and why the hell did you ring the bell a million times. Aaagh why don't you go away." Walking inside I followed her still smiling, damn this woman was doing crazy things to me. Starting the coffee, I grabbed two mugs knowing her functionality depended on it. "I came to see my favourite girl, is that a crimeeeee?" I cheekily answered setting my elbows on the counter and facing her. The look she was throwing me would make people run but not me,I was immune to it at this point.

"Just get me the coffee and shut up,why are you so loud?" Massaging her temples she groaned and laid her head on the table. She looked so adorable with her hair everywhere and her tired eyes. I'd never met anyone who slept much as her and that's saying something since I also slept a lot. She was only wearing a long t-shirt that was not covering much, not that I was complaining but those legs, damn those legs.

Pouring coffee in both mugs, I passed one to her and sat down across her on the table. Another crazy thing was that she drunk her coffee hot,like burning hot. Sipping my own slowly I watched her down her's in minutes like her life depended on it. Feeling my eyes on her, she lazily raised one eyebrow and I shrugged back. I also didn't know why I was staring.

Moving into the living room, she looked at me expectantly silently asking what was so important that I had to wake her up. Smirking I ignored the silent communication and switched on channels trying to find a suitable one. Rolling her eyes I watched from my peripheral as she got comfy on the sofa and faced the TV. That was Alex for you, she never asked twice.

Settling on some channel playing music I turned to her contemplating what to say. This could either go bad or really bad, I smiled knowing there was just no way of winning with her. God this girl was impossible that's why I liked her though I added mentally. "So I came to pick you for the party,you know the one happening at my place." I broke the silence getting comfy too and facing her.

Another raise of the eyebrow, which I mentally translated to 'what the heck are you talking about.' This conversation was really going on smoothly I groaned. "Yes you're coming with me, you didn't think I'd let you miss such an important function at my place did you?"  I asked her knowing fully well the probability of her coming with me was probably nonexistent.

"What are you talking about?" She asked back with confusion written on her face. Yeah, yeah I know I sounded crazy but what was a man supposed to do. "I said, I came to pick you to the party,remember the one I told you that's happening at my place." I replied slowly just to annoy her.

"I don't know what party you're going on about but regardless I'm sure my answer was no and it haven't changed." She answered turning her eyes back to the TV. As if I didn't remember that, I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time. "Well things have changed and you're coming with me. It's starting at 9 so you still have time to get ready." I added confidently as if I wasn't dreading the answer.

She just looked at me as if I was crazy and shook her head. Well I was going to result to other measure's if I was to succeed. Luckily I came prepared. Turning up the tv volume I started singing along to the lyrics that I didn't even know well. The results were as predicted as she turned to me in a horrified look. Jumping up she tried to wrestle the remote from me and since I'd anticipated the move I also jumped up and ran around the room.

"Turn down the volume you moron and stop screaming." Still chasing me around she yelled which I responded by adding more volume and singing even louder. "Did you say I should add more volume, I'll do that right away Miss. Watching her get so annoyed was comical. Between laughing and singing my voice came out screeching adding to the effect.

"Aagh, go back to where you came from." Closing her ears, she ran out of the room and I followed her with my obnoxious voice. When I followed her to the kitchen, she glared and ran out to the bedroom. I was on her heels and before she could bolt the door I squeezed myself inside. This was so much fun,why had I never thought of it before, I smacked myself mentally.

With no where to run to, she stood there with her hands covering her ears giving me the meanest glare she could master. I was so going to pay for it later but for now, I was busy screaming my lungs out. What a performance! Only for her, only for her I added mentally.

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