31. Helpless

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It had been weeks since Alex saw Jace. She had been avoiding him and had even stopped going to the beach. At times she missed him so much but had to remind herself that it was better this way. She had gone back to her old routine, going out every other night and drinking all night. If she was not drunk then she was high on some other stuff. Today was not different and she was getting ready to go out.

When she didn't end up on someone's bed then Paul drove her home, a duty he had taken upon himself. He had kept his distance but always looked out for her. He didn't know what had hurt her but her eyes,her eyes haunted him since that night. He had never seen such raw pain in anyone and had regretted the drunk mistake they'd made. Since then he'd taken it upon himself to make sure she got home safe, when she could allow him. He had liked her and thought that maybe if they'd met at a different time then there could have been a chance for them. He could only hope that she found peace soon.

Jace was having a bad week. Infact it had been a series of bad weeks. He had been in a constant bad mood and he knew the cause. He had been grumpy at work, at times being rude unnecessarily and his boss had called him on that. He was hurt and was rushing out at people. Alex had been avoiding him for a long time now. She had not picked his calls and whenever he went around her house, it was always empty. It was infuriating, and he'd had enough. Today he was going to camp outside her house if that's what it took.

He could not understand why she couldn't trust him by now. She had let him sleep in her house the first time for crying out loud. He just wanted to help ease the load for her. Why couldn't she understand that? To think she was going through pain alone was so painful for him. This had never happened to him before. He had been in love before,or what he'd thought was love but this was just raw like nothing he'd known.

He felt like she had become a part of him that had not even existed before. She was all over his mind. She was in his bedroom, in the kitchen, everywhere. He could not remember his life before,all he knew was that she had become so important that it felt crazy. He had tried to stay away, he really tried but couldn't do it anymore. He had to go look for her.

Grey,his friend had gone out with his friends so Jace took his car and drove slowly on the familiar route. He looked like shit but didn't even try to fix himself. He had not shaved in so long and his hair had grown long. He didn't find the motivation to do anything. In just a t-shirt and some shorts he pulled up at her house and was surprised to see the curtains open. He had not expected to find her home what with her being out all the time

Killing the engine he sat inside not knowing how to proceed. Prior to coming here he'd decided to confront her but now he wasn't sure what to do anymore. This is what she did to him. She made him hesitant and afraid. He didn't want to live like that and yet he was at her mercies without even realising. She had so much power over him and he'd never felt that helpless.

Alex was ready to head out. Today she'd over slept and was a bit late than usual. Grabbing her phone and keys she stepped out only to stop still after seeing the car parked in front of the house. Her heart sped up and her legs didn't move any further. She could feel the tension between them hanging like a dark cloud. This was not happening,she couldn't face him sober and yet she couldn't coordinate her legs to move.

Jace heard the first creak of the door being opened. His body was flooded with anticipation,he was not ready to face her. She stepped out holding her phone and keys and turned to lock the door behind her. She looked beautiful and his heart skipped a bit. This woman was entrancing, bewitching even. She was dressed in tiny shorts and a black top. He couldn't help his eyes traveling down the gorgeous legs on display. All the anger he was filling inside had disappeared in a whim.

He watched as she turned and took notice of his car and froze. Stepping out of the car he walked slowly towards her holding their eye contact. His heart sped up as he got closer, he was so sure she could hear it going crazy. Coming up to her they just stood there staring at each other with nothing said and yet so much conveyed in their eyes. The fire was cracking between them and Jake couldn't hide the desire he felt for her at the spot. There was a rawness inside him that needed to be extinguished.

Alex could spot the exact time the air changed to sexual tension. She could see the desire in his eyes and could not help how her body responded to that. This was crazy, one minute she was trying to hide from him, the next minute she wanted to taste every bit of him.

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