28. We need to talk..

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Emerging from the bathroom ages later, Alex walked back to the bedroom with her mind in conflicts. Jacs was not yet back, giving her ample time to snoop around in private. His room was just basic with few personal touches that told little to nothing about him. Alex didn't know what to make of last night. She had not expected things to turn into that direction and more so, that she'd enjoy kissing him.

Deciding to venture outside, away from his overwhelming smell that filled his room, she opened the door dreadful of the conversation ahead. The house had definitely been cleaned and put back together. With the absence of yesterday's huge multitude, it felt homely and way much better. Passing a few people that we're still cleaning,she found the kitchen where Jace seemed to be busy making breakfast.

"Whenever did coffee take all this long to make?" Calling out she settled herself on the only available stool. "Good morning to you too, I see you're finally up." Jace replied giving her a toothy smile. Someone was in a good mood, Alex thought to herself. Fetching a mug from the top cabinet, he poured her hot streaming coffee, black like she liked.

"Thank you Mr Chef, so what do we have there?" She asked cradling the mug with both hands and taking a sip of her daily dosage. The coffee was wonderful and she couldn't help but return the smile with gratitude. This man was doing strange things to her and it was throwing her off. "I'm making breakfast,how do you like your eggs?" He asked, facing her with hands akimbo and a smirk on his lips.

"Decide for me." She answered back with the same playful tone. Turning back to the stove, he continued with his cooking while Alex sipped her coffee quietly enjoying the view. Jace in the kitchen was a sight to see, not that she was going to tell him and inflate his already big ego.
Later when they'd had the delicious breakfast and cleaned, Alex was ready to leave.

"I need to get going,do you mind dropping me off?" She asked, following him to the living room. She'd overstayed the visit and needed to go back to familiar sorroundings. "Why don't we chill here for some time, it's still early and you've not been to my house before." Jace requested sitting down and making space for her on the couch.

"I've been here since yesterday, that's way more than I'd planned". She answered back opting to take the sit across him. She could feel the "talk" coming up and she wanted to escape before then. She didn't know what to say because she still couldn't decide what had happened between them.
Standing up Jace left his seat and joined her sitting right next to her. "Please stay for a while, I don't want you to go." Turning to her, he requested looking right into her eyes.

Alex could only node her head , her refusal caught in her mouth. This was dangerous,she needed to distance herself from him. He was evoking strange feelings inside her. Turning on the TV, they watched silently for some time before Jace turned it off and faced her. "We need to talk about last night." He started off seriously and not his playful tone.

"There's nothing to talk about, we just kissed, it happens all the time." Caught in a very unusual place, she answered back not ready to discuss anything. "You know it was not just kissing so don't you sit there and try to tell me otherwise!" Jake said cutting her off. She could tell the conversation was turning to a path that she was not ready to face. "Well it was just kissing for me which will not be happening again so there's nothing to talk about. Actually I need to get going." Standing up she went to his room to grab her keys and phone.

Jake was not having any of that and getting irritated by her answer he followed her inside. "I'll be damned if I let you walk out of this door before we finish this conversation. What happened yesterday was not just kissing and I know you felt that." Blocking the door he faced her not at all put off by the look she was giving him. Alex was afraid, she didn't do feelings leave alone anything else.

"I don't know what you're talking about so if you don't mind I'd appreciate if you stepped out of the way." Alex didn't want to fight with him especially after being a wonderful host but he was venturing into dangerous waters. She didn't know how to open up and her coping mechanism was running.

"No problem, if you don't know what am talking about then I'll be a dear and remind you." Jake retorted back and without warning crashed his lips onto hers. With his tongue inside her mouth, Alex felt her resistance crumble down and couldn't help her arms holding onto him. Kissing him was like nothing she'd felt before and when they stopped to catch a breath she knew she was in some deep trouble.

"Stop resisting it, I don't know what it is but I've never felt like this before and I want it. Go out with me? " Touching his forehead to hers, he requested her pleading with his eyes. There was so much sincerity in his eyes that Alex felt a genuine wave of sadness hit her. How much she wanted him but she knew that was not even an option. She was not the right person for him,or for anybody. She was downright broken and empty inside.

"Please take me home." She told him letting go of him without an answer. She needed to go break down in private.

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