29. Broken

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The car ride was very awkward and silent. Alex couldn't wait to escape the confinement and breathe properly. She could tell that Jake was more than upset, if not by the strong grip of the sterling wheel then his grinding jaw was an indication. They hadn't said a single word and the distance felt enormous. When they arrived at her place, Alex undid her safety belt quickly ready to bolt out. When she reached for the door the lock was on and it didn't badge.

"I atleast deserve an explanation if not an answer." Jake broke the silence still not looking at her. He was hurt and confused and pissed off at the same time by her nonchalance. He could tell she was trying to run which she was best at. It had been over four months knowing her and nothing out of her, not even where she came from.

"I'm so sorry Jake, my intention was not to hurt you but we both know that am not the right person for you. I will not deny that the kisses felt great but am not cut out for this." She answered with her voice subdued feeling her resolve to break down thinning out.

"Why can't you let me decide if you're the right person for me on my own?? And how would I know if you never say anything about yourself?" He called back letting her see the anguish in his eyes. He could not understand how she could matter so much to him when he didn't even know a single thing about her. He knew she was fighting huge demons and could only hope she'd let him help. He could practically do anything for her if she'd let him.

"Please don't ask, I cannot do that, trust me when I say am not the right person for you. I'm not a good person." The thought of bearing out her heart to anyone was beyond scarely. Feeling a lone tear manage to escape her eye,she turned back to the door unable to face him.

Having seen the tear fall, Jake felt the hurt and anger fade out in a whim and shared a sadness of a pain he didn't know about. There was so much pain in her eyes that he could feel his own tear ducts respond. What had happened to her to cause that much pain? Unlocking the vehicle, they both got out and walked towards the house.

Alex could hear him behind as she rushed to open the door and disappear inside. Anytime from now the tears were going to fall and she didn't want him to witness it. Jake sensing the urgency took the keys and opened quickly when her hands trembled and could not get into the right slot. Removing her shoes as she went inside,she headed for the bedroom ready to bolt the door when he followed her there.

"Please leave me." She managed to whisper out refusing to let him see her tears. "I can't leave you like this, please let me in. Let me help you carry the burden Alex, am here for you." Engulfing her with his arms he cruddled her to his chest. Unable to hold back the tears any longer, she let them fall and felt her entire body shake from the grief that had been long time coming.

Holding her tightly, he let her use his shoulder to literally cry on and couldn't help the tears that filled his eyes. He had not witnessed anything like that. The pain was like a layer that engulfed her and he wished he'd erase it for her. The woman he loved was in so much pain and he couldn't do anything. He actually loved her, he had known for some time and the kisses were the confirmation he had been looking for.

When the tremors subsided, he helped her to the bed where he held her and soothed her to sleep. Long after she cried herself to sleep, Jake still lay awake very much thrown off guard by the turn of things. He had made a decision that was going to be tuff, he was going to be there for her whether she agreed to it or not.

He didn't know much about her past life, or what she'd been through but he'd seen enough of her character to determine the kind of a person she was. She may be closed off and a bit cold but deep inside she was a good person and that was more than enough motivation. Later, deep in his sleep, he felt her arms tighten around him and couldn't help the smile forming on his lips. She felt safe with her, that was a good start.

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