Shockingly Abusive

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Warning: Depictions and symptoms of electroshock, mentions of past rape, and threats of rape. Please do not continue if you are sensitive to these issues.



Wanda left out a shallow scream of agony as she felt the familiar, firey sting of electricity around her neck from the tight shock collar. Daily electroshocks had become such a routine ever since she was thrown into this hell-hole two weeks ago. Her throat had been sore for days from both the shocks and screaming, and even swallowing had become such a difficult task. She'd hardly been able to speak because of the aftermath of every shock that had been sent to her by the ruthless prison guards. She felt a burning sensation in her wearisome, red eyes as they filled with unshed tears. Her hearing became dull and all she could hear were the faint yelling of her friends, begging the guards to stop torturing her.

Wanda wriggled as she tried to get into a comfortable position as shocks were being forced upon her. She had been furious from not being able to move her arms as they were pinned across her chest from a straight jacket. They were strapped so tightly that it sometimes hurt to breathe if she was sitting in the wrong position. She knew that her chest had to have bruises by now from the pain she felt.

"Please," was all Wanda managed to hoarsely, quietly say before another shock sent her into tears.

"Don't talk, or we'll use other measures to keep you quiet," one of the guards ordered.

Wanda's eyes widened as memories flooded her brain of the force they used on her days prior. They used her, pinned her down on a cold, metal table and took pleasure for themselves. They decided not to fully rape her due to fear of an unwanted pregnancy which would have to be explained in front of their generals. Wanda started to shiver with displeasure and anxiety of being taken advantage of again. She bit her lip to stop sobs from escaping her mouth which would surely cause another shock of electricity.

Once the guards had done their daily electroshock to Wanda, they left, but not before giving her one last threat of rape.

"You better keep quiet, because you know what'll happen if you don't," the guard said before shutting the metal door behind him.

Wanda started to softly sob as she dreaded being used. She had never experienced so much pain in her life. She'd never been raped, she'd only been hit on a few times as a teen in Sokovia. Nothing she'd experienced before was ever serious. But this... this was serious.

"Wanda, shhh, it's okay honey. I'm right here. Listen to my voice," Clint tried to calm her. "Sweetie, it's okay. We're going to be okay. You're going to be okay. Just hang on for me, please. Do it for me."

Tears slid down her cheek as she forced her eyes open to look across the room at her friend. She was filled with hopelessness and despair. No, she thought, nothing is okay. I lost my best friend, my freedom, my life... And now I'm being tortured for being a monster. I'm a monster. She looked down at her restraints and curled up in the corner of her cell.

She closed her eyes and let herself cry, hoping that the guards wouldn't torture her further because of the emotions she couldn't control.

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