Logical and Right

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Warning: Slightly explicit sexual content.

Wanda angrily threw her covers off of her sleepy body when she heard the anxiety-inducing alarm set for 6 in the morning from her phone. She double pressed the on-off button to silence the loud sound. As she sat up, throwing her legs over the side of her bed, she turned on the lamp. She teared up as she turned around to find yet the empty space beside her...again. For a week. She blamed herself for their temporary split, or at least she hoped it was temporary.

A week ago when she threw her ring on the floor and stormed off into her room to cry about the whole of the situation, she came to the realization of what she had done, what it symbolized to have taken off her ring. It made her cry even more. Her finger felt naked without the symbol that would eventually be a lifelong promise. She didn't have the courage to run back to Vision and apologize. He didn't even listen to her, didn't go back to her when he saw how upset she was during their fight. So, she realized that it wasn't the best idea to suddenly apologize to him a few minutes after their heated argument and decided to let things cool off for a couple of days. Then it turned into a few more. And then a week.

Today was the day she is supposed to announce her pregnancy and the father of her twins to the world. A chill ran down her spine. She had been so upset about her fight with Vision that she forgot that she needed to make up her mind about what she would announce to the press, even though Ross required her to say it was someone other than a humanoid. Shit.

Maybe a shower would help clear her head for the morning press conference.

She clumsily threw off her clothes as she went over to the bathroom and turned on the shower to freezing cold. She didn't need a hot shower; it would only make her much more tired and thoughtless. She grabbed a plastic slip meant to protect her cast as she showered and tightened it around her upper arm.

When she stepped into the shower, she almost ran right out, but slowly got used to the blistering cold water.

The logical thing to do would be to say that she had a one night stand as announcing the father of her twins as a teammate could make relationships much worse. But that wasn't the case with an overly emotional Wanda Maximoff. Emotions over science and logic she knew would be the definition of the movies and novels that were under the genre of romanticism. She would have only known that through Vision during their late-night readings.

The right thing to do would be to announce that Vision is the father. Who knows? Maybe the public would be more accepting than what predictions suggest. But that wasn't what Wanda was thinking about even though that was a reasonable conclusion. All she wanted to do was tell the truth, not preform for media drama and biases. The truth, she thought, is logical and right.

And that's what she needed to do.

A loud gasp escaped her throat as she saw a red figure phase through the wall in front of her.

"Vision, you oversized toaster! What the hell is wrong with you?!" are her first words to him since the previous week. She covered herself as best she could despite knowing that she shouldn't be so embarrassed knowing their (close?) relationship.

He, in his battle suit, paused when he realized he was going back to his usual habits. "I apologize, Miss Maximoff."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at the unnecessary formal tone. She thought she may have been too cruel when she angrily questioned him, "What do you want?"

"I..." he started as he placed his feet onto the wet surface of the shower. "I came to say that I am truly sorry for my behavior towards you."

She stared at him, bewildered. "And you couldn't have done that when I was done showering? Dressed and not damn naked?"

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