Where Loyalties Lie

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Warning: Mentions of past abuse, electroshock, self-harm, and rape.

July 3rd, 2016

"I assume you didn't find them?"

Vision hummed in question and turned to see Tony Stark behind him. The low lights of the Compound made his appearance to be mysterious.

Tony sighed. "You came back empty-handed. Well, you know that Ross is gonna send you back out in a week."

"I know," he replied nonchalantly.

"Do you even know the reason why he's sending you out?"

"I haven't thought about it."

"The witch. He thinks that you're the only one that can handle her and every other...fugitive. I mean, you're pretty much invincible, except for that one time that Maximoff slammed you through my very...expensive...floor."

"Miss Maximoff was fighting for what she believed was right. You cannot blame her for that."

"Would you say that if it was anyone else?"

Vision was silent.

"Yep, just like I thought." He sighed. "Are you prepared to turn her in if and when you find her?"

"You know that I will do what is right. My loyalties belong to The Sokovia Accords."

"Quit the bullshit. You won't. You care about her too much to bring her back to the Raft."

"Do you understand that Miss Maximoff suffered greatly during her stay at the Raft?"

"Yeah, I do. I was there. I saw her with my own two eyes. The poor dear looked absolutely horrible. I care about her just as much as you do. I'd never do anything to purposely hurt her, but we have our duties to The Accords!" His voice became harsh.

"That's just a facade. You absolutely do not care for Miss Maximoff as much I do--"

"I do!" he shouted. "I took that poor girl in when she needed a home and when her brother died to the monster I created. She became an Avenger. She was one of us!"

"Was? She still is."

"No. Ever since she sided with Rogers, she abandoned this team. This is her own doing; it's her fault that she suffered. But that doesn't mean I don't still care about her. I care about her as if she was my own daughter."

Vision glared at him. "You absolutely do not care about her if you are willing to let her be taken away to that dreadful place again. You do not care about her if you know what they did to her and will still let her experience that again."

"Wh-what? Wait..." Tony thought for a moment. "You did find her," he said in realization.

"What makes you come to that conclusion?"

"You were never this upset until now... You saw her! Is she okay?"

Vision paused for a moment, wondering if he should say anything at all.

"Please, Vision, I swear I won't tell Ross. How are they? How is she?"

"She wasn't okay at first. I believe she was experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. She refused to eat because she was force-fed in the Raft. According to her own words, she was hit more than a few times. She was experimented on as well... But the worst was..."

"Tell me, please. I want to know how she is."

"Miss Maximoff was sexually abused more than once."

"No, what? That's not... You're not serious, are you?"

"Very, Mr. Stark. Miss Romanov informed us that she is in such an unstable condition that she harmed herself." He tried to remain as calm as possible without letting out the rage that was built inside his heart.

"Oh my God... Is she better now?"

"Yes, but she still experiences night terrors and emotional breakdowns."

"Goddamn Accords... I won't ask where she is, that's all for you." He let out a deep sigh. "But I can't promise that I can back you if Ross finds out about what's been going on. If he finds out, that's on you... How is everyone else?"

"Everyone else is okay, but I'm afraid all of them despise you."

"I'm not surprised... And, you know, I'm not gonna be able to do anything about the guy that sexually assaulted her. Telling Ross would mean I know something else that he doesn't. It's for your safety as well as Wanda's. I hope you understand."

"I do, but the guard who sexually assaulted Miss Maximoff isn't a problem anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I was with Miss Romanov and Captain Rogers during the rescue. I saved Miss Maximoff from further sexual abuse when I found her. In order to keep my appearance a secret, it was required to eliminate any who saw me."

"I've killed a lot, so it's easy for me, but that must've been hard for you to kill a human for the first time. But, it's good to know that she didn't have to experience that again."

Vision nodded shyly.

"You know, this means your relationship based on the law should be questioned. Are you loyal to The Accords or to a fugitive?" Tony asked.

"I...I'm loyal to The Sokovia Accords."

"I know you care about Maximoff, I understand. I know you love her, but you have to give up on that now. Things have changed and you can't keep visiting her. If you're loyal to The Accords, then you should start acting like it. Turn her in. Turn them in," he pleaded. "This tension can't go on!"

"You know that I will not do that. I can't. Not after the terror that I've witnessed from the Raft. I am loyal to the law, but not if it breaks moral character."

"Well," he sighed, "I guess that's up to you. But again, I can't defend you if Ross finds out. And, disregarding The Accords, take care of her, please. She deserves someone who will love and take care of her unconditionally. I wish I could've done the same before the fallout."

"Of course."

"Goodnight, Vision."


Tony walked away, leaving Vision standing in the middle of the hallway, alone.

Vision wished things could've been different. He wished Wanda did sign The Accords and stayed away from the horrors she experienced. He wished he could've been with her, without fear. But that wasn't the case now, and he would live with that. He was just glad that she was safe and okay. As long as she wasn't experiencing torture, he was content.

Though he'd rather not admit it, he felt despise for Senator Ross and The Accords. Ross must have known about Wanda's condition. Maybe not the sexual abuse, but the force-feeding and physical abuse. Ross always received private reports of the Raft's prisoners every week. He wondered why the Raft had to be so cruel.

His mind shifted and thought about Wanda's upcoming birthday: July 11th. She would be turning 23 and he didn't want her to spend it alone.

She was still recovering from the trauma, so he would try to make this birthday special and comforting.

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