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Warning: Mentions of past rape, abuse, and electroshock.

"It's okay, Wanda. I'm right here. You're safe."

She continued to sob in his arms.

"We don't have much time. We need to leave."

She to the dead guard and then looked at him.

"It's best to leave him here. There are already others who are... dead. I've come with Captain Rogers and Miss Romanov, and they have rescued the rest of your team. Now, we need to hurry so no one will know that I have been here."

She nodded.

Noticing how weak she was, he gently lifted and carried her bridal style. Oh, how great it was to hold her, knowing that she'll be okay. He quickly flew down the hallways with her in his arms. He wasn't able to phase anything else but himself, so flying was the only option. He was careful not to jolt her. He quickly scanned through the hallways for any signs of life to make sure to avoid any chance of being seen. He didn't want to kill anyone else. It already pained him enough. He'd never killed before, but he had to do it for the sake of his identity and Wanda's safety.

They reached the upper level where the rest of the team was waiting by the Quinjet for Wanda and Vision. Vision quickly went into the jet and softly lay Wanda down on a makeshift bed prepared for her. Steve climbed into the pilot seat and took off.

"We gotta get that wretched collar off of her!" Clint exclaimed. "Vision?"

Vision knelt down and, with his abnormal strength, broke the thing and set it aside. She whimpered slightly at the new but still familiar sense of freedom around her neck. Everyone who was watching gasped.

She had a red band around her neck where the collar was. There were burn marks and dry blood from the electroshocks. Her neck was covered in deep cuts from screws that held it in place and they started to bleed.

"We need to get her stitched up," Natasha sternly said. "I'll put pressure on the wounds with sterile towels until we can fix it once we get to the safe house. Vision, can you remove the straightjacket?" she asked as she started to put the small towels on her neck.

"Yes," he replied and gently tore off and removed the jacket. Her arms were weak and thin. He felt a pang of regret for letting this happen to her.

Wanda took a deep breath, now able to properly breathe, but suddenly, she felt dizzy and started to see spots.

"It's going to be okay, Wanda. Rest now," Vision calmly said as he softly grazed his fingers through her hair.

Wanda bolted up in a cold sweat. She panted heavily and looked around. She felt around as soft sheets caressed her body. The mattress was a better, comfortable replacement for the cold, metal floors of the Raft. This isn't the Raft. And then she remembered what happened. Vision rescued her. She was safe but still afraid. She was afraid to talk. She didn't want to feel the sting of electricity around her throat. She shakily raised a hand to her neck and winced as her skin was still freshly sore. She felt bandages around her throat.

She carefully turned, hung her legs over the bed, and gently stepped down. She wasn't wearing that awful straightjacket or prison clothing. She was in black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. She looked at her arms and pursed her lips. They were awfully bruised and thin. She could see the veins on her arms and hands from how pale she was, the same as her feet.

She slowly walked to the door of the room and opened it. She walked to the large opening of what seemed to be a cabin. She saw Natasha over by the small kitchen. She felt a little disappointed when she didn't see Vision. She wanted to thank him.

"Hey, you shouldn't be on your feet," Natasha said as she walked over to Wanda, gently helping her sit on the couch. She pulled over a blanket and put it over Wanda's shoulders, wrapping it around her. "How are you feeling?"

Wanda opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she feared she might feel the sting of electricity again.

"Shhh, it's alright. You're safe. No one can hurt you now," Natasha comforted. "You won't feel any shocks, I promise." She softly put her arm around her.

"I..." Wanda creaked out. Tears formed in her eyes. "He... he used me..." She looked down.

Natasha frowned and rubbed Wanda's back comfortingly. "I know, sweetheart. I know. When you're up for it, tell me what happened so I can get you the proper medical help you need. Did... is there any chance that you're pregnant?"

"No. He did... use me." She pointed to her abdomen. "But when he wanted... when he wanted to, he would..." She pointed to her mouth and looked down. "I tried to fight it. I tried." She started to cry. "He would... would hit me and... and force me to... to kiss him," she said between sobs.

"Oh, honey..." Natasha rounded both of her arms so she could pull Wanda into a hug. "I'm so sorry. It's over now. You're safe." She sighed. "But because of what they did to you, we needed to get some medications for some of your... conditions."

Wanda looked up at her curiously.

"You have low iron. That's why your arms and legs are so pale. You have other vitamin deficiencies. We got you a multivitamin to take every morning, and I want you to start taking them today. We also need to get you to a proper medical facility so we can treat you for your other injuries. We need to test you to make sure everything is okay, especially since you were... sexually abused."

Wanda nodded but then asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Everyone is still asleep. Steve is out getting some more supplies. And Vision... he left after we landed here. He needed to go back to the Compound to make sure his disappearance wasn't very noticed, especially by Tony."


"Hey, don't be sad. Vision promised he'd be back. I trust him because he cares a lot for you... He wanted me to tell you that he regrets letting these horrible things happen to you. He didn't need your forgiveness, though he wants it, he just needs for you to be safe. We gave him a communication device so he could get coordinates for when we move around... If you still want him around, that is."

Wanda looked down at her hands. "Of course, I do. He saved me. I just wish I got the chance to thank him."

"You will. He'll return in a few days. Right now he's gonna have to deal with Tony and Ross arguing about you all escaping. He's concerned that they might send him after us."

"I'm sure he wouldn't."

"I'm sure he wouldn't either. But we do have to be cautious."

"Of course..."

There was a moment of silence.

"I'll go get you your multivitamin," Natasha said as she stood up.

Wanda relaxed into the couch, mesmerized by the glow of the sunlight which shown through the cabin's windows. She wished that she could see Vision soon. She let all her hate for him dissolve. She didn't want to hate him. She wanted to see him again.

Come back to me soon, please...

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