Out in the After Hours

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Author's Note: Infinity War is on its way folks. Ready your hearts.

The days after the celebration of 2018 went smoothly. Tony gave Wanda time to recover, and on top of that, apologized to her and even bought her a few luxurious gifts to which she happily accepted. Their friendship had a rocky start from the beginning and during the separation of the Avengers, it plummeted. But now, Wanda didn't want to hold grudges or more pain, so she let go of the past events and told Stark that she forgave him. She thought it wouldn't help ease her mindset, but it did and she was thoroughly supported by Vision through all of it.

Now, Vision, on the other hand, had been distracted despite helping Wanda settle into her new surroundings with her returned friends. He became nervous whenever Wanda and her friend, Matt, communicated. He felt almost threatened. Maybe insecure in the way that he wished he could be more human, maybe even a human. What if she found his form dissatisfactory sooner or later? He never bothered Wanda with his feelings because he didn't want to be controlling or overprotective of her. He wouldn't do that to her.

He sat on the roof of the Compound late at night, letting his legs dangle over the edge. holding the velvet box which contained the specially chosen ring he had for his love. The diamond and rubies on the engagement ring sparkled in the moonlight. He was mesmerized by the way it looked, even more, when he imagined that one day he if she said 'yes,' would see it on her left ring finger. Despite his insecurity and worries, he still had confidence that she would say 'yes' to his proposal.

He was distracted by the door to the roof squeaked opened. He turned his head and saw Wanda cautiously approaching him. He quickly and smoothly put the box in his jacket pocket, out of her view.

"Hey," she sighed as she sat down next to him. "You okay?"

He nodded. "Yes. I needed time to think about a few things. I missed being up here with you during your first year here."

She hooked her arm around his and leaned her head against his shoulder. "And we're up here again, but this time...more than friends." She kissed his shoulder and snuggled further against him.

He slipped his arm from hers and slid it around her back. Fiddling with his pocket on his other side, he contemplated proposing to her right there and then. His heart skipped a beat at the thought. He only wished he could push the thought of Matt aside; it was the only way he could get his head straight to propose properly.

He looked at her, seeing the roots of her hair now dark brown. She planned to not dye it again. And his eyes traveled her strands and flickered to her face, studying how she stared up at the stars.

"You always used to look at me when we stargazed, why is that?" she asked softly, eyes still on the stars.

He blinked a few times, taken aback. "You noticed?" he questioned, perplexed.

She giggled, closing her eyes for a moment, then turning her head to look at him. "Of course I did, you idiot. I can read minds, in case you forgot, especially when you linked ours." She tapped her temple. "But why? Why did you stare at me for minutes?" She turned to a more serious tone.

"I..." he started, trying to choose the right words, "I assume that I was in love with you then, but I never realized it until...I lost you. Truthfully, I always admired you, your beauty, the way you appear in the moonlight." He avoided her gaze, looking down at the lawn of the Compound.

She smiled and let out a fullhearted sigh. "You never told me," she modestly stated and then clarified, "You never told me that you admired me then."

"I was shy," he admitted immediately.

"You were afraid," she corrected him and placed a hand on top of his.

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