Maybe This Was Love

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Vision sat in the living space of the Avengers Compound. The room was eerily quiet. It's because half of the team is gone, he suggested to himself. Wanda is gone. Wanda was the one person who understood Vision on a more personal level. She didn't see him as simply one of Stark's creations or just an overly nice android. She saw him as more than that. She saw him. That's why he grew so attached to her. They were so close, and he didn't even realize how much he'd miss her until she was taken away to the Raft.

He missed their friendship. He missed Wanda's gorgeous smile and sound of laughter. He missed how she could always brighten up anyone's day even if she was terribly broken inside. He missed nights on the rooftop of the Compound, gazing at the stars. But he'd always switch his gaze to her because she looked better than the view above them, or that's at least what he personally thought about her. He'd always compliment her beauty, sometimes just to himself. Her beauty couldn't compare to anyone else in his mind.

He remembered when she would slightly talk bad about herself, how she hated that people saw her as only a "weapon of mass destruction." She sometimes considered finding a way to eliminate her powers, or herself if it came down to it. She didn't want to be feared. And even then, Vision saw her mesmerizing powers were something to be celebrated or worshipped instead of feared. Just as she had thought of him as something more than just an android, he thought of her as more than just a witch.

Vision had contemplated his feelings for her before, but now his feelings for had felt stronger than before. He didn't know what to think of the feelings he had towards her. But he loved those feelings. The warm feeling in his chest when she looked at him, the shiver down his spine when there was any sort of physical contact between them, and how he felt almost dazed when he heard her beautiful Sokovian accent. They were all just so overwhelming to him. Sometimes, he had been too afraid to admit this even to himself, he would just want to hold her, to touch her. He had never felt desire like that except with her.

His thoughts were cut off as Tony walked into the room. Vision looked at him with confusion. Tony looked absolutely miserable, tired, maybe even sick.

"Mr. Stark?" Vision started. "Is everything all right?"

Tony stared at him for a second. He looked like he was braindead.

He sighed. "Yeah, just haven't gotten much sleep. This whole Accords thing is driving me insane. Ross is such a bitch." He walked over to grab some files and papers on a desk.

Vision could definitely agree with that. As much as he hated to admit it, he despised Ross for this deal that was presented, even if he had very limited power of what could happen to the Avengers.

"Obviously it was the best choice to stay here and to be put in check, but right now everyone is falling apart," Tony stated sadly.

Vision sighed. Everyone really was falling apart, including himself.

Tony continued, "We can talk about this later, but right now I have a meeting scheduled to speak with Ross. He wants to discuss Natasha's departure. He says she's gone rogue. We think she may have joined Steve for some reason."

"Alright, sir."

"Oh, and one last word, I'll be visiting the Raft tomorrow."

"Oh? For what reason?"

"Just to see them. Nothing special. I care about them. Even if we're supposed to be on separate teams by law, I still care about them, including the Maximoff girl that you are so fond of."

"I--" Vision stopped. Was it obvious? "Sir, if I may--"

Tony cut him off, "I know, Vision. I know the way you look at her." He started out the door and then stopped. "I know you love her," his last words were and then walked away.

Maybe this was love? He'd never thought deeply about the subject before. How could androids love anyway? It was impossible, right? But Vision wasn't just any ordinary android. The Mind Stone, or at least that's what it's called, has mysterious energy and power that he couldn't compute. It was beyond any research or study. But the possibility that the Mind Stone was the source of his feelings of human emotion made his synthetic heart swell with warmth. Maybe this was love.

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