Jealous Instincts

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Warning: Slight mentions of abuse.

Vision had been at the Compound longer and would visit Wanda every few weeks and stay, at most, 4 or 5 days. He's concerned that Senator Ross would catch on to his random disappearances and try to follow, so he tried his best to stay long at the Compound and still find time for Wanda.

During their last stay together in Luleå, Sweden, Wanda and Vision decided to relax and warm up by walking down to a small café on a street corner. It was November 13th and Wanda was shivering from the frosty temperature: 29º Fahrenheit. She had gotten used to the cold weeks during her stay in the northern European country, but she still hated the frigid cold despite having experience with the cold winters in Sokovia as a child.

They both sat at a small table next to a window which displayed the fast-falling snow and empty streets during the Swedish afternoon. Wanda stirred two teaspoons of sugar into her Söderblandning tea. She discovered that she enjoyed this type of tea, a blend of tropical fruits and flowers. It's a popular tea in Sweden which is made in the south of Stockholm.

Vision held her hand and softly rubbed her knuckles. He read the day's Swedish newspaper but held it low enough so he could still see Wanda's He felt a peculiar feeling of irritation radiating from her mind. He watched as she momentarily eyed something that was in his blind spot and went back to sipping her tea.

"What are you thinking about?" he softly asked.

Wanda set her cup down on the table and squeezed his hand. "I miss Clint and Scott. Ever since they took that house arrest deal, I've been wondering if I'll ever see them again..."

Noticing her sadness, Vision took both of her hands in his. "You will. Maybe not soon, but one day. Remember that they love you very much."

"I know," she whispered and looked out at the fast-falling snow. She took a deep breath. "They were so helpful and kind to me. The traumas I faced at that place still...affect me in ways, but I don't think I would be where I'm at right now if they didn't try to help me recover."

Vision cupped her cheek and turned her face towards him. He looked into her glistening eyes. "And you're far better than you were months ago. I'm so proud of you for finding the courage to do so." He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles.

He noticed that she was looking over to the side again, a place he couldn't see unless he turned his head slightly. He studied her again and felt a flicker of irritation from her mind again.

"What else?" he asked curiously.

It took a moment for her to process what he said since she was distracted by what she was looking at. "Hmm?" she responded, turning her attention to him. She took another sip of her tea.

Vision rubbed her hand. "What else is on your mind, love?" he repeated.

"I'm just...distracted, that's all," she replied, almost confused.

"Are you troubled?"

"No, I...I'm just a bit concerned." She considered her words for a moment then said, "It's nothing to worry about, though. I'm fine." She took another sip of her tea.

Vision chuckled slightly. "Tell me, Wanda, what are you concerned about?" he asked, ignoring her second comment.

"I...I think the woman over there has a thing for you," she whispered.

Vision raised a brow and smiled softly. "You know that you're the only woman that I love."

She nodded, "Of course, but that doesn't mean I can't be jealous when other women look at you with interest." She sipped her tea again, finishing the drink. He could feel not only irritation but insecurity from her mind.

"No other woman could compare to you in my eyes," he said in a low voice and she ducked her head, blushing. "Have I ever told you what I love about you, how beautiful you are?"

"I don't remember you ever talking about it," she murmured, still blushing.

He rubbed her fingers. "I've always been fond of your abilities. Though many may think that you are a dangerous weapon of destruction, I see magnificence." He kissed her hand. "I adore you. I've never had such an attachment with any other human, woman, as I do with you. You are resilient, caring, generous, and above all, pure. I believe that I would be lost without you... I love you, Wanda Maximoff. I love all of you."

Her lower lip quivered slightly and she leaned over the table to kiss him. "Thank you for the reassurance, darling. I love you too, and I mean all of you." She brushed the center of his forehead with her thumb. "I'll be right back," she said and left for the bathroom which was not too far away from where they were seated.

It only took her two minutes to freshen up. She came out of the bathroom, smoothing the wrinkles on her jeans and shirt. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly when she saw the same woman who was glancing at Vision every so often, now standing next to where he sat and was engaging in conversation with him. How dare she? That woman should've known that she and Vision were in a romantic relationship from the romantic gestures. The woman had looked at Vision so much that there was a large chance that she would've seen something that would've signaled that they were a couple.

Vision must have felt her mix of rage, fear, and insecurity because his eyes flickered over to her and he telepathically spoke to her, Wanda, do not be afraid. I know what she wants. Do not lose control. Let me handle this.

She took a deep breath and walked over to their table. She smiled when she and the woman saw each other.

"Oh, hi!" came her Swedish accent. "I saw you sitting here a few minutes ago. I'm Eva." She held out her hand and Wanda accepted, shaking her hand.

"Katharine," Wanda said.

"Nice to meet you. Are you Victor's...sister?" she asked, almost hope in her voice. Victor Shade was the name Vision chose for his rendezvous with Wanda.

Wanda shook her head. "I'm his girlfriend."

"Oh!" she said. Wanda could sense the disappointment in her voice, and Vision could sense the annoyance from Wanda's mind. "Okay, well, I was just talking to your boyfriend out of curiosity. You're a lucky girl." Eva turned towards him. "Can I buy you a drink for the trouble?"

"No, it's alright. Thank you for offering," Vision replied.

Eva giggled. "Well, alright. But if you ever change your mind just let me know," she said and winked at him.

Wanda felt as if she were going to collapse. She knew she couldn't make a scene. She can't draw attention to herself. She can't let her powers get out of hand. She didn't realize how stressed she was until she felt her nails digging into her palms. She bit the inside of her cheek.

Vision, noticing her distress, stood up, took her hand, and helped her sit onto the chair. He pulled his chair around the table so he was side by side with her. He softly put his hand on her thigh, careful not to cause flashbacks from the touches on her thighs that she received from her overseer in the Raft. She sighed when she felt his thumb rubbing her thigh tenderly.

"Don't worry, my love. I only see you," he said, sending a wave of love to her. "Do you want to go back to our hotel room?"

She nodded, "Yes."

They walked down the frigid cold streets of Luleå to the hotel. Vision had his arm around Wanda, shielding her from the harsh snow and wind that made her shiver. She felt safe from his protective stance around her. She loved the side of him that did those sweet, caring gestures for her. She hid in his side, trying to find heat in his raised body temperature. When they arrived at their warm hotel room, Vision held an exhausted Wanda on his lap while he sat on the sofa, whispering his deep love and devotion to her to ease her nerves. He rubbed her back and she let her head lay on his shoulder. She smiled into his neck.

They stayed cuddled together for a long while until Wanda received an urgent, disturbing message on her communication device.

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