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Warning: A character has an anxiety attack.

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update! I've been trying to work a ton of hours before school starts. I haven't forgotten about the story! :)

The hard tapping of the spring rain soothed Wanda to a half-sleep; no harsh thunder was present to startle her from her rest. She laid peacefully still on the hotel bed, her arm across Vision's middle. Her legs were entwined with his as much as they could be. Her head was rested on his chest. Her breathing was steady and soft, and her nose twitched every so often. His arm encircled her body to keep her in place and he softly rubbed her waist. He lazily and affectionately kissed and nuzzled her head as she rested.

Their minds were tightly connected and twined, sharing the harmony and tranquillity between them. They were content.

Vision couldn't help but admire her stillness and calmness. He felt happiness from seeing her at peace instead of pain. He gave her love and admiration through their mental link, easing the unwelcome thoughts that threatened to take over.

Her beauty attracted his gaze; he was in awe of how such a stunning woman could be in love with him. Her outer and inner beauty always dazzled him. Though, he knew that she was, even if she didn't speak it, insecure about her physical appearance; he never talked to her about it, but instead, he complimented her natural beauty as much as he deemed to be appropriate and it always seemed to brighten her mood.

Wanda's eyes snapped opened and she suddenly sat up and ripped the sheets from over her body. She ran over to her bag and took out a few items and ran to the bathroom while whispering, "Shit, shit, shit," over and over again. She slammed the door behind her.

Vision was so surprised by the sudden actions, that he couldn't ask what was wrong, so he gently got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. He softly knocked on the door. "Are you alright, love?" he asked, deeply concerned.

"Yeah, I am," came her breathless reply. "Give me a few minutes."

Vision pursed his lips and raised a brow. "Okay," he said and walked back over to the bed. He sat down at the end of the bed and began to contemplate what had just occurred. He sighed and waited for Wanda to return from the bathroom.

When she reappeared about ten minutes later, she was in a different pair of shorts, her face was flush, and her eyes were slightly red and teary. Vision perked up and immediately became concerned from the sight. He was about to get up to comfort whatever was troubling her, but she collapsed onto the bed, face half-buried into the pillow, and she curled into the fetal position.

Whatever she was having trouble with, Vision disliked the feeling of mixed emotions that he felt from her. "Darling," he cooed and walked over to the side of the bed and sat, slightly leaning over her curled up body. "Darling, what's wrong?" he asked, full of concern for her wellbeing. She only whimpered.

"Tell me," he murmured.

She looked up at him and hissed while placing her hand on top of her lower abdomen. "It's my menstrual cycle. Nothing to worry about," she said, strained.

"Oh." It felt like a ten-ton weight was lifted from his shoulders. He sighed with relief when he realized it wasn't a deeply serious matter. "Are you feeling okay? You seem to be in pain," he said while rubbing her thigh.

"Yeah, yeah," she whimpered. "Cramps." Her breathing sounded heavy labored.

He gave a sweet, soft kiss to her cheek. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'll get you ibuprofen."

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