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Warning: References to panic attacks and separation anxiety. Mentions of past rape and abuse.

Author's Note: I want you guys to write mini Wanda/Vis fanfics in the comments for me or share Wanda/Vis feels. I feel so sick and I gotta go to work tomorrow and I need Wanda/Vis love pls ty <3 ily guys you're so awesome <3 <3 <3

Wanda stopped mid swipe at the soapy porcelain plate to gaze at the rain that started to fall. Slovenia was a bit warmer than Sweden during the month of December, so it never usually snowed during midday, however, the rain was freezing cold. The window was directly in front of the kitchenette sink and she found any excuse to clean the few dirty dishes to study the town of Škofja Loka. She loved to watch the soft waves of the river below the team's hotel building. She loved to analyze the mountains in her direct view. The snow at the highest points coated the mountains softly; it made her feel like she was in Sokovia again. The gray and white of the mountains contrasted gorgeously with the faint orange roofs and dark ivory bricks of the buildings.

As she came back to her senses, Wanda shook her head and blinked a few times. She continued to finish scrubbing the dirty dishes. She quietly hummed one of her most cherished Sokovian songs to herself as she finished cleaning the last two glass cups. She smiled when she felt a pair of male, tender hands gently settle on her waist, travel across her stomach, and pull her flush against his body. She set the last clean glass on the mat which was next to the sink. She turned her head and peered up to see Vision looking down at her with a sweet, genuine smile on his face. She fully turned her body towards his and kissed him deeply. He nibbled on her lower lip for a moment before slowly pulling apart, lips still lingering together.

They were happy to be alone in their considerably large hotel room even though Vision didn't get to spend as much time with her as he wanted. They were grateful for the privacy and having their teammates only a few meters away, the hotel room across from theirs. It was nice to not be interrupted every five minutes from Sam when they share a tender, romantic moment.

"Hi," she whispered against his mouth.

Vision held her in place, noticing that something was wrong from the way she acted. He placed a kiss on her cheek. "Do you need to talk about it?" he asked gently.

Her breath caught and her smile faded. "No, I'm fine," she quickly responded, almost robotically. Her pain was still tinged in her words.

Wanda had a troublesome time getting intimate with Vision. It wasn't that she didn't love him or trust him to care for her, but she still suffered mental damage from the penetration that she was forced to experience in the Raft. Sometimes, she'd be too afraid to be alone in public without Vision or one of her friends because she mentioned she felt vulnerable, exposed, and helpless. It pained Vision to see that her suffering has gone that far. He and Wanda talked about the situation when she needed to vent, but even before then, Vision knew that it would take time and attention to free her of that fear.

He rubbed her back gently. "I'm sorry to mention your pain, my love. I should have known that you would've reacted poorly."

She kissed him. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm just tense today. It's not your fault." She crossed her arms and leaned back against the kitchen counter. She took a quick look outside from the window behind her. "My night terrors are horribly vivid, you know that. I don't want to worry you, however, I think I might need medication or at least an over-the-counter drug to help me relax when I sleep."

Wanda had been suffering from panic attacks from her recurring nightmares for months now, but Vision would always be there to hold and comfort her when she was willing to be touched without fear. It occurred often that she had horrible night terrors and would wake up either screaming, sobbing, or both. As her teammates said, her screams had haunted them, and Vision believed it was starting to be the same for him.

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