Everything To Me

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Warning: Mentions of electroshock. An intimate scene between two characters. Some of my readers do not read intimate writing, so I advise you to skip the late second half of this chapter if you are uncomfortable.

Author's Note: Vis did it! Wanda can finally be with him without fear <3

December 23, 2017

Just like Vision promised, Wanda was free. This morning, she was interrupted from her sleep to the sound of the heavy metal door sliding open to the sector. Her sight was blurry for a moment, but she blinked a few times and stood up straight to see that four guards were in her view. They opened her cell door and announced that she would be released from the orders of Senator Thaddeus Ross and the UN. Her heart leaped at those words. She could go home.

They removed her straightjacket but kept the shock collar around her neck for safety measures. They lifted her up and she noticed that one of the guards helping her was Matt, the guard she met a few days prior and helped ease her nerves and loneliness when Vision could not make an appearance. She appreciated his company. They exchanged life stories, and he usually spent his breaks eating and talking with her when she had her meals. It made the experience much less horrifying. She hoped that she could be friends with him outside of the Raft.

When she arrived at the landing pad, she was greeted by Senator Ross, Tony Stark, James Rhodes, her beloved Vision, and a few other familiar faces. She smiled fondly when she made eye contact with Vision.

When Ross gave the order to remove her shock collar, she felt a slight sting from the metal being pulled away. A trail of blood ran down the side of her neck and she almost whimpered. Ross had told her that they had a few medics on board that would tend to her injuries. She nodded and turned around to give Matt a quick hug for the help he gave her. "Thank you for everything you've done to make this place a lot less like hell," she had whispered to him during their hug which caused Vision to look upon her curiously, wondering what she could've said. If she paid any attention to Vision while the guards were boarding her onto the plane, she would've seen the slight sting of jealousy and confusion. He had heard about her and Matt's growing friendship, but he also knew that they've only known each other for a few days. He decided to push his feelings aside to focus on the task at hand: keeping Wanda safe and comforted on their ride to the Compound.

Ross had ordered her to be in confinement at the Compound for a while until she could be stripped of her downgrading title as a fugitive when they could discuss further agreements and commitment to The Sokovia Accords; she had no issue with that.

So, now she was in her room, feeling as content as ever, humming to herself as she leaned against the headboard of her familiar bed. She wiggled her feet as she felt the softness of the comforter on her bed. It was the late evening, and she was slightly dozing off from the tiredness of the day's activities. All she wanted to do now was to cuddle with Vision in her bed, feeling like the only two people in the world, heavily in love.

When she heard the door to her room open, she smiled. She opened her eyes to see her lover, her Vision. "So? What happened?" she groggily asked.

"They've decided to wait until after Christmas break to settle your terms with The Accords. They assume that keeping a close eye on you will be necessary for a certain time," he replied, rounding her bed.

She reached out her arms to him and he accepted, crawling under the sheets and into her arms. "I finally get to be with you, free, without having to constantly look over my shoulder," she whispered. "It's like a dream. I'm afraid that I'll wake up and I'll be back in the Raft."

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