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I pull out of the garage and immediately regret using this thing the rust literally flies through the window which refuses to close and straight into my eye.

"Man screw this shit!" I scream as I pull up to the stop street. I'm blinded by annoyance that I take off a little to fast and before I know it I'm doing 120 km/h and I can hear that turbo and i finally realise that the power this thing spits compensates for it's looks or lack there of.

I pull into Mike's workshop. I don't like Mike much but his dad and my dad worked together so his dad might give me a part time job which I eagerly need. I spoke to Mr.Riley who gave me a part time job and we agreed that i would get paid around a $1000 weekly that's a lot I know but I think his doing me a favour because I practically grew up in this workshop. I remember running around the back yard when I was younger while my dad worked on cars with Mr. Riley.

We agreed on me starting tomorrow after school.

On my way home lexy called and I decided that I would get her and Caitlyn pizza. But she refused take out and insisted on me fetching her so guess where I found myself ?

Pulling in to the parking lot of Lexy's favourite pizza place.

We sit to order and I can't help but catch myself staring at Caity. Damn a pet name even what is going on in the guy who's more allergic to people than people are to bees or other allergins like peanuts.

I'm watching how her curls bounce up and her dark brown eyes work in perfect harmony with her make up the indent on her left cheek grows deeper every time she smiles. Holy crap what's going on here?

I clearly couldn't do well with the tension in my mind becuase I found my self outside leaning on a railing and occasionally kicking a few stones in a failed attempt to get my mind of this girl. These emotions i have is too new to me. Everything is heightened around her. My conscious is more aware around her so that I don't embarrass myself. I'm highly affected by her and I'm hoping she doesn't know it. Its fucked up really, I barely know her and I'm feeling some sort of attraction to her.

I'm cut of my internal rant because she comes outside.

"Hmmm hey Tyler the pizza is here and I don't mean to be rude but I noticed you staring at me in there, may I ask why ?"

"How'd you know I was staring at you if you weren't looking at me aswell" I blurt out without giving a second though to my words and smirk plastered on my stupid face. This is the part where I face palm myself.

She practically hid her self behind her hair. Looking at me from under her stray strands of her.

I watched as she examined my lip ring. I couldn't help it, I pouted a little so she could look at it and she unawarely took a step towards me to look at it.

"Was it painful ?".

I don't speak much and I wasn't about to start speaking now. So I just shook my head to say no. Why speak if no one listens anyway?

After what seemed like an eternity of staring at each other she walked of inside and I followed behind her.


My head aches and the constant beeping of this alarm clock drives me further in agony. I was angry because I couldn't understand how she crept into my dreams as well.

I get up and dress up really well for the first time in a while I'm wearing black jeans instead of my usual blue. My curly hair I filled with wax to get it straight to one side and it set for once. I walked out that shower smelling like a new born baby and that's a first because I couldn't care less about my appearance nor my hygiene but I intend to be perfect for that perfect girl. I walk past lex who's gawking at me. Harry got so shocked at my new founded 'Caring about society's expectations' look that he choked on his orange juice. I walk to the microwave to get my glass and hear my mom mumbling something about how good i look in a shirt and the last time she saw me in one was my dads funeral. I choose to ignore her.

I roll my eyes at her as I play with my lip ring. I feel like a kid with a new toy, not that Caitlyn is a toy, I'm just really inexplicably happy. I was smiling well blushing at the way she pouted while looking at my lip ring. I like it more now because she does.

Lexy comes up to me and whispers into my ear. "Ty I need to stop at the store for my uhmm ..know ....uhhmmmm...well my monthly freind is back and I need uhmmm......"

I cut her off. That topic is embarrassing for both of us. I mean she's my sister I don't need to know that but since my mothers an ass who else can lexy go to ? ."Oh uhmm okay we will leave now so we make it early to school despite the stop."

"Thanks" she gives me a hug and I begin to fight her to get out of her grasp . I hate affection but I don't mind my sisters as long as she keeps it to a minimum.

"Harry you fucktart we leaving now, are you walking or are you willing to jump into my dad's death trap
" Harry is my mothers boyfriends son but since they moved in with us we take him as a brother. His a total nerd like lex. His always stuck in his books at home. But the moment we get to school his soul transforms into a social butterfly and he becomes sociable. His hiding the real him from the world a lot like I do but he wants approaval and that's why he does it. His fairly popular. And has his way with girls as well only to come home and complain that he needs to change. The girls in our school are always swooning over, either Harry or I. As for the guys they stay away from lex because of me. The all time fucker who kicks ass and doesn't care. Although I do get my ass whipped a lot.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts with a punch to the arm from Harry.

"Yea I'm coming with you man did you hear me at all? ".

Harry sounds just like his dad Nicholas lloyd. Like really who has two first names one as a name the other as a surname ? Apparently him and his son.

"Hey asshole touch me again and you won't have a hand left to hold your self while jerking off to that bikini model i banged before you could".

He laughs and i smirk as for lexy she just looks disgusted, the usual after a joke like that, we jump into the car. My poor astra is parked behind Nicholas' i20. He'll move it if need be. He better not scratch my astra. I'll kill him with his own hands if he scratches my car.

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