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After my self inflicted pain I walk away from the hospital. I make my way to her aunts house to get my shit before I leave this damn place.

I walk into the house and come across paper. In events that surprised me even, i wrote a letter to lynnea expressing my apologies for the over reaction at the hospital and to let her know that I'm leaving today.


"Could you please move up a seat. I hate sitting close to the windows" a voice breaks me from my daydream. The voice belonged to a girl about Lexys age.

"Yeah sure" I moved. I didn't want to be a dick to this girl. I'm in a mood I agree but I'm not about to do anything to hurt those innocent eyes. She reminds me so much of my sister that its shocking really.

"You would think that my mom being the pilot would give me some peace of mind but I'm too scared of flying, now even" the girl smiles and sits down next to me. "My names Peyton Simms. You are?" she holds out a hand to shake my own.

I grab ahold of her fingers in my plam and shake the way my mother taught me to shake a female's hand "Tyler Slone " I reply, "why aren't you in school " I reprimand playfully nudging her arm with my elbow.

"My mom's super protective of me and she always wants me to fly with her so she home schools me so that I can always be with her. I guess she thinks I'm all she has left in life".

"Where's your dad?" I ask her with gentleness.

"Oh I've never known my dad neither has my mom" something about Peyton's tone dismissed the conversation.

"I don't want you to think I am rude or anything but do you mind if I watch a series on my phone?".

I nod a slight no and answer my now vibrating phone.

"Where are you Tyler, you didn't have to leave ".

The look from the flight attendant and my own annoyance worked hand in hand to get me to hang up on her. Her voice was like glass dragging on the heels of my feet. I would normally revel in the sound of her voice but at this point in time its annoying as fuck.

I recognized the episode of Legacies flashing on Peyton's screen as soon as I looked at it.

"I'm going to be the guy that always fights to find you in the end "

"Wh....what " my new friend asks me with pink cheeks.

"That's what Landon is going to say next" I point at her phone.

"Oh. You've watched legacies? " she looks relieved.

"Only the first season. I haven't gotten around to the second season yet".

"Let me guess. You're like every other male and you're totally in love with the hot chick being Hope in this case" she rolls her green eyes at me.

"Well no, I'm in love with Josie. She is so much more of a rounded character as opposed to Hope in my opinion of course. Josie always puts lizzy first in anything they do and that really appeals to me. Because I can never picture putting anyone above my sister lexy" I state.

"Do you want to watch with me" she shoves the other bud in my hand. She's in a hurry to watch and I don't blame her. I put the bud in and plaster my eyes to her screen.

We watch about 2 episodes before we start talking about our plans for the future. I learned that she wants to settle down in Paris and never leave the borders again. I learned that she is in to literature and she loves reading and plans on writing a book one day. She's never really dated anyone and she's into guys but thinks she likes girls too which I laughed at but I didn't judge her. She punched me for laughing at her.

I learned that's she's 16 and she's turning 17 two days before lexy so we sat and planned a whole birthday bash for these two and she promised to visits around that time. She showed me her tattoos which I noticed made her back very attractive. She laughed when I asked her if she would let me see them up close sometime and frankly I laughed at myself. Never in my life have i flirted with a girl that thinks she likes other girls.

We also got down to the messy shit that is my life. She gave me brilliant advice that included me putting my foot up Josh's ass. We took a real liking to each other which surprised her even because she's never really had a guy freind that clicked with her but I did. I promised to be her bestfriend and she promised to always listen to my fucked up shit.

She downloaded a book called ' To Kill A Mockingbird' on my phone and told me to read it.

She tells about her mom and how here mom works very hard And plans to open up a buisness when she retires. Her mom plans on early retirement to spend more time with her.

Her mother sounds amazing.

It's really odd thinking that I found such a likable person on a flight home. You really do meet amazing people anywhere if you just open up your mind and actully pay attention to them.

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